Registry of biomedical companies:
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21 Changi South St. 1
Singapore Toll free: 1-877-479-ESCO
Phone: +65 6542 0833 Fax: +65 6542 6920
Stock symbol: ESCO
Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
Esco World Class. Worldwide.Esco Group is a renowned Singapore-based life science company with a diversified portfolio and sales in over 100 countries. As a world leading manufacturer of laboratory and biopharma equipment, and IVF medical devices, Esco offers tailored solutions that fit the needs of laboratories. With three divisions, namely, Life Sciences, Medical and Healthcare, Esco contributes to meet the challenges of the 21st century by continuously innovating our products to support cutting-edge research, helping biopharmaceutical companies make their drugs safer and more cost-effective, enabling lower cost manufacturing of vaccines, and directly through innovative medical devices and diagnostics. Esco Life Sciences has established its name since the beginning, having strong position in laboratory equipment technology. With the most extensive product line in the industry, Esco Life Sciences is dedicated to delivering innovative solutions for the clinical, research, and industrial laboratory community. Our proudest accomplishment is the complete range of controlled environment equipment solutions which includes Biological Safety Cabinets, Fume Hoods, General Purpose Ovens and Incubators, CO2 Incubators, and ULT Freezers. Esco Medical is the IVF Medtech Company of Esco Group, manufacturing and innovating high-quality equipment such as long-term embryo incubators, ART workstations, anti vibration table, and time lapse incubator. Esco Medical is continuously developing advanced technologies to increase pregnancy rates and patient satisfaction and to meet the increasing demand of the IVF industry. Esco Healthcare, comprised of 3 divisions - Esco Pharma, VacciXcell and TaPestle Rx - enables a complete translational discovery to delivery within the healthcare industry from research and development to clinical trials, final commercial production, and pharmacy compounding or stem cell therapy. The Group further extends its business into faster growing segments in the market by establishing a strategic investment arm, Esco Ventures. Esco Ventures invests in biomedical startups and is also engaged in venture creation to discover and develop technologies addressing unmet medical needs. Some of our investments are in the fields of: - cancer
- precision medicine diagnostics for predicting and preventing pregnancy complications
- novel life sciences tools and diagnostics platforms and;
- regenerative medicine.
Esco has the widest range of certifications making it the top-most preferred brand by leading universities, research institutes, hospitals, pharmaceutical, IVF centers and biotech companies. We continue to innovate to provide enabling technologies to make human lives healthier and safer, capturing the essence of true value creation. Europe Contacts UK Esco Gb Ltd Lab Division Unit 21 Shortwood Business Park, Shortwood Close, Hoyland, Barnsley, S74 9LH. Tel: +44 (0) 1226 361529 Fax: +44 (0) 1226 741709 Email: Website: Pharma Division Unit 2 R-Evolution @ Gateway 36, Kestrel Way, Barnsley, S70 5SZ Tel: +44 (0) 1709 761669 Mobile: +44 (0)7823 775585 Email: Website: Germany Esco Medical Dr. Sanjay Bhojwani Regional Sales Manager Germany, Austria, Switzerland Email Italy Esco Technologies S.r.l. Legal office: Via Giuseppe Mazzini 114/B, 00195, Rome, Italy Operative office: Via Nomentana, 935, 00137, Rome, Italy Tel +39 06 37513715 Fax +39 06 89281096 Email Email Website
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Last update of this entry: September 27, 2017