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registry of biomedical companies

  February 07, 2025
promoting the transfer of scientific know-how between industry and academia
Registry of biomedical companies:

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Virinova -- Fast Virus Diagnostics / Process Control /Diagnostic Services/ Assay / Test


Phone: +49 2174 671 9990
Fax: +49 2174 894501

Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.


Welcome to Virinova

Innovation in Fast Virus Diagnostics for Process Control


Our unique and proprietory technology enables the detection and quantification of viruses without the use of PCR or antibodies

       - Direct detection of viruses and viral particles

       - Fast and simple

       - Suitable for known and unknown viruses

Areas of application:

Diagnosis and monitoring of viral infections

      - Known and unknown viruses

Process control in biotechnology

      - No viral contamination

      - Monitoring of viral production 


Download Company Brochure


virus particles diagnostic diagnostics detection analytic analytics identification analysis aids hiv hsv herpes simplex hcv hav hepatitis a hepatitis b hepatitis c hbv cytomegalo cytomegalovirus  ebv epstein barr hcmv papilloma adenovirus common cold virus cmv sars virus production virus contamination germany deutschland diagnostic test tests assay assays diagnostik detektion analyse analytik cytomegalovirus human immunodeficiency virus htlv virus bvdv viruspartikel virus partikel 96 384 Infektion infection pathogen kontamination clinical application dignostik detektion analyse virus trennung kapillare blood donors samples elisa prognosis monitoring techniques disease screening high throughput hts transfusion safety testing serology large scale therapy therapeutic polymerase chain reaction nucleic acid laboratory equipment technology cell culture serum serological kapillarelektrophorese virus analytic virus analytics intact virus particles  free zone electrophoresis capillary virus virus forms virus peaks viral activity viral infectivity lif laser induced fluorescence beckman hp ce DNA RNA fluorescence detection intercalating deye etbr toto yoyo sybr green sybr bioanalyzer ams 90 se caliper agilent orange sensitive

Online monitoring for virus production or virus contamination

Selected Categories:
Product Company   Service Company
- Research
- Research
- General
- Medical
- Research
- Research
- Analytical

Last update of this entry: September 09, 2006

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