Registry of biomedical companies:
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3914 Del Amo Blvd, Suite 901
Torrance CA 90503
United States of America, California
Phone: 1 310 542 8822 Fax: 1 310 542 8028
CELPROGEN is a Biopharmaceutical company that has 4 major areas of expertise and market share, Life-sciences, Therapeutics, Cosmetics and Medical device. The therapeutics drug discovery focus is to develop novel pahrmaceutical agents and stem cell therapy for the following disorders cardiovascular, diabetes,cancer, neurological,Renal and metabolic disoders. The life science division provides research reagents and tools for the life science industry with the following products: stem cells, cancer stem cells, tissue culture differentiation and expansion growth medium, proteomic and genomic reagents. The device division of Celprogen provides novel ELISA based assays, protein arrays, DNA arrays, tissue and cell based assays & arrays. Please visit our web site at www.celprogen.com to learn more about our products and services. Stem cell Kits for differentiation, expansion, and maintaining stem cells in their undifferentiated state including iPCs. Primary cell tissue culture kits for cell based cytotoxicity assays and drug discovery assays. Human Cancer Stem Cell kits. Cosmetic division generates regenerative products for hair growth and facial skin regeneration.Also generates 3D Organelle cultures for Transplant studies.www.celprogen.com
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Last update of this entry: August 29, 2024