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registry of biomedical companies

  February 07, 2025
promoting the transfer of scientific know-how between industry and academia
Registry of biomedical companies:

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The EMMES Corporation

401 N. Washington St, Stuite 700
Rockville, 20850
United States of America, Maryland

Phone: 301-251-1161
Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.


The EMMES Corporation, is a full service contract research organization which also offers a complete information technology solution consisting of data management and bioinformatics products and services to pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies; academic and medical research institutions; non-profit organizations and government in support of all phases of medical research and clinical trials. Disease areas encompass but aren't exclusive to infectious diseases, oncology, nephrology, neurology, ophthalmology, dental, transplantation, autoimmune and more. EMMES Advantage Suite, the umbrella offering includes our web-based platform for data capture and management allows sponsors, protocol monitors, medical researchers and coordinators to quickly deploy projects, rapidly respond to changes in the protocol, conduct materials management and make intelligent decisions based on quality subject data. Need to start your clinical study within 30 days? Want to see results faster, reduce queries and lower costs - switch from paper forms to electronic data capture(EDC) risk-free. We offer an a la carte approach to our clinical trial services. Please contact us now so you can evaluate this alternative.

Selected Categories:

Product Company   Service Company
- General
- Research
- Research
- Research
- Software
- Research
- Services

Last update of this entry: September 12, 2017

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