Registry of biomedical companies:
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Ybbsstrasse 27/28
Wien, 1020
Phone: +43 (0) - 676 - 940 2667
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Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
Workshops on how to write a scientific paper: Lifescience-Texte teaches in a seminar how to write scientific and medical publications. You will learn step by step how to create a scientific article that is good enough for top quality journals. Whether you are just starting on your first scientific writing project, or you already have several papers to your name: The seminar will make writing a whole lot easier!
If you want to work on specific issues in your own writing skills, we can also offer you one-on-one coaching.
For pharmaceutical or biotech companies: The seminar "How to write a paper" might be an attractive offer to your customers. Researchers and physicians might have great data (maybe on your products), but don't publish them because they don't know how to do!
Science Writing: Lifescience-Texte offers writing of life science and medical texts in German and English to biotech companies, universities and research organisations. We help you to effectively communicate with co-operation partners, investors and customers by writing for you scientific publications, grant applications and texts for public relations (company brochures, web-texts, product information sheets) and much more.
As a pharmaceutical or biotech company you can also offer this science writing service as a treat to your customers. Many of them might have lots of unpublished data in their drawers, just because of lack of time... They will be greatful for writing support!
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Last update of this entry: April 05, 2022