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Blogging in the Philippine Islands including the Visayas
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We are a one-man operational unit and media outlet engaged in activities for: information collection & delivery/retrieval, media & Internet and printing & publishing manufacturing. Bio/Engineering in Industry in the Philippines: a) Enzyme Technology. Breakthroughs in the biotechnology of lignase-driven microbial and enzyme probiotics in feeds pretreatment en silo and in the rumen, multi-million dollar seller ''yeast bagasse'', foods and bakery good applications. The results are already partially out for our "theoretical" food-grade lignase product or preparation in that the breads are considerably enhanced with aroma or odour and soft, creaminess texturization- quite an improvement in bread making product marketing featurization the world over. A so-called secret ingredient in product formulation and manufacturing for commercial sale in a country that favours rice as a predominant staple. (Our first fielded product is a coco-honey bun of small to medium size, sweet to the taste and filled with purple yam, taro root and coconut.) b) Physics Engineering & Proteomics. DT (Digital-Tagged) - Electroseparation with Hi-throughput, Hi-volume Proteomics Detector Mini-reader. c) Metabolomics. Biogas (CH4) is currently on the drawing board as a by-product of sugarcane production. Bioengineered cellulases, studying the -omics of sugar malabsorption in the lower gut, formic acid-producers and methanogens are all implicated in the metabolic bioengineering for Rapid Natural Gas Process [RNGP] to feed electrical grids in rural areas to supplement energy requirements in sugar plant central operations using low-lignin or physically/chemically-treated bagasse pith from sugarcane raw material. (Cf. Fortis Inc. of BC Canada.) e) Nutrigenomics in Meat and Fish Farming. High-throughput screening of genetic biomarkers correlated with productive output including: growth rate, lean body mass (LBM) accretion, marbling and developmental traits of musculo-skeletal fibrillar structure and meat quality (texture and taste qualities) and the genetics, breeding & nutrition of the desired animal livestock. Hi-histidine feeding and responsiveness to supplement feeding of amino acids (e. g. his, arg, leu, lys, met) for production: a) salmon fisheries, b) milk replacer (MR) in piglet growers and c) cattle and dairy fed grass and legume silages, will be studies further. f) Biorenewable Products Engineering. These include hi-impact vamp IBPN resins for the use in making tires, airports, countertops and pavement or decks made from biofermented fibre from farmwaste or woodchip initially to CH4 and then to cyanide as a hazardous intermediate. Indonesia is a probable place for plastics works manufacturing. A similar process as the ultra-advanced ''rubber-making'' enterprise to be employed for this use. SKYEVIEW: The continuing controversy between the Philippine Islands (P.I.) and the Chinese mainland for projected oil resources should auger to the former's favour by leveraging it further: for trade overseas with strong trading partners, for domestic use for industrial or for commercial manufacturing, warding off further adventures into "hostile takeovers" by potential aggressors overs its economically valuable and ecological sensitive area in its archipelagical shelf. The U.S.A. has renewed and expressed its solid alliance with the P.I. on protecting its territorial rights in the area by lauching a joint military presence and exercise (viz. in the Spratleys, etc.). A similar example where the Americans leveraged themselves well in the Iran conflict after military involvement post adhoc brought eventually a peaceful settlement in the Iran homeland and brought it back to the road to civil order and progress and over oil as a major bilateral issue with countries like the U.S. What benefits brought to the table in the Filipino-U.S.:China confrontation are yet to be realized. Talking about energy, there has been a move by the Chinese and the U.S., two of largest greenhouse gas emitters in the world to limit emission by signed agreement with other co-signators which could lighten the load towards use of fossil fuels and hunger for it making the Chinese turn to alternative sources of energy such as renewables. The Philippines is beginning to make this a major agenda issue in its central Visayas region (Region XVIII, Negros Island Region) supplying this region's island state and neighboring cities (e. g. Dumaguete, Bais and Cebu) with geothermal, solar, and now proposed, biodiesel and biokerosene by hydroponics using land-based marine species seagrasses. SKYEVIEW: Pedicabmotoship as is being planned for the Dumaguete metro or CBD in the downtown area will constitute "retooling" the streets or calzadas with pedestrial walkways on their side, a two-three lane one-way (only) streets in alternating fashion providing every two-block accessways with or without parking. These will allow pedimotoship cabbies to weave in and out behind regular car sedans and commuter buses and delivery vans or trucks. The streets or calzadas will be tooled with the appropriate markings or accessories including reflective devices for night driving and will be repaved with the government facility or plan to contribute from the new oil wealth being delivered from oil exploration. There is at this time concern regards that area in the Western Philippine Sea and surroundings for sea life to be disrupted by environmental disasters unless more guarantees are made by companies doing new technology oil exploration including in some cases deep sea oil exploration in the Benham Rise northeast of Luzon in the Philippine Islands. China (PR) is expected to benefit by plans to export asphalt and retool roads there by Philippine cos. with export of pedimoto cabs or commuters and vans as new concept vehicles one of which are those planned from an American-Philippine regulated conglomerate and enterprise for design, manufacturing, marketing and export/import of units and spare parts including places like Cambodia, Laos, Thailand/Burma and Vietnam. SKYEVIEW: There are rumours afoot from our end in the Vancouver area that Scottish national interests would like to take up the new challenge of approaching certain interests in the Dumaguete City area of the Philippines regards sustainable motorpediship with modular battery-driven chassis tooled for short travel in medium grade gravel roadways in local commuter networks inland around Negros region. Scottish interests will combine with Italian designers like Ferrari contracted similarly by Tata Motors of India in Cebu using a typical money source in the way of a Shanghai chinese bank facility to undertake financing throughout typical in the Philippines. Some people have rumoured that "Alcatraz" will come forth as a formative model to be seen in a Philippine-Scottish dealerships which will just be around the corner in Negros Island. Kabangkalan is rumoured to be the launching point of manufacturing of vehicular chasis and body and the motors imported from China. Job creation will be fueled with local student talent (e.g. local engineers, fabricators, labourers, etc.) and serve the growing tourist industry from Europe and N. America. The Scots have pointed out that transportation systems design is woefully lacking in a state of repair to serve growing needs including roads and bridges engineering and so with the recommendation of, e.g., containerized ferry terminal traffic with trucks and inland rail transfer. European investors/consultants will start the ball rolling with local politicos as to the political, economic and civil condition of the province together with their Chinese counterparts conducive the education, industrial planning and infrastructure developments and its life blood - finance and capitalization with economic development. SKYEVIEW: The current drive for pedi-power to be elevated to mass transit for commuter traffic in the Dumaguete City metro area in future using on-line and off-line routing plans will call for benefits for faster convenient travel, manoeuverability with ease of flow and less bottlenecks, less stress for navigator and traveller and lightening the load on the environment in terms of pollution and greenhouse gases. There is also less noise due to muffling of the carriage by the engine. Cost:load efficiency is low due to the 1:5 to 1:10 ratio of load:vehicle compared to a road vehicle and the comparable fuel mileage. Not to mention the maintenance upkeep of parts and the system of dealerships and fueling stations (biodiesel:electricity off the grid in NegOr). There is vehicle convenience by being 'just around the corner' as one would say and comfortability of the ride is left unsaid by the chassis and the internal environmental control system (air flow, humidity and ambiance) and fares billeted at X1/2 - X1/5 the normal going rate and depending on distance, short for commute and long for travel. Currently the issue before the city ordinance councillors is the affordability of vehicles being introduced. Electronic-trikes, as they are called, are being introduced as we speak and the daily "boundary" of USD$5 rent-to-own reached given the payment for fuel (alternative fuels are being introduced) and the rest in take-home pay is still prohibitive for the 4,500 or so vehicle operators in the city of Dumaguete in NegOr. Insurance is also being introduced to replace with service vehicles up to 4-5 years on plan. Hopefully, more creative financing schemes will make the concept pedi-car a reality including investor-owners in single or groups of vehicles together with the operator or navigator at premium cab fares at fractions offered by cabbies and jeepneys in the city, albeit, but not for longer inter-urban commutes. SKYEVIEW: The story we are covering here is the latest news on the proposed Scottish-Filipino chassis proposed for the "Alcatraz" American motoring vehicle at its best with sleek modular design features, the so-called "concept car", with features such as: 1) swinging side door design, 2) hydraulic undercarriage steering, 3) silicone hydraulics suspension, 4) rear undercar mounted motor (to be designed and manufactured by a concern) with dual-mounted batteries and biodiesel reservoir, 5) navigator side car door design, 6) airbags in passenger cab and navigator side, 7) telemetric communicator and metereological data reporter via satellite, 8) electronics sound-display entertainment system, 9) environics control system (air flow, humidity and ambiance), 10) aircare and 11) wide 3-wheel based axel steering with suspension for the gravel graded roadways. There will be electrical-charging/biodiesel filler up stations just around the corner in urban areas with maintenance stops including car washing stations. A co-ownered relationship is believed to be the business understanding within a team of 5-10 individual investored-owners per vehicle (min.) together with the hired operator/ navigator) and car insurance coverage in case loss/damage in the face of accident, theft or vandalism to equipment or vehicle. The huge, unimaginable, prognosticatable market in the mainland of China for pedi-power commuting and travel in peri-urban and rural centres makes it an inexorable influence to adopt consultation now on the matter in the Philippine Islands when talks begin for manufacturing engine, chassis and parts and various road ammendments including stations and other facilities (government transportation & licensing, insurance, energy utilities, businesses and financial centres). Some of the advantages of pedi-commute is low-maintenance at station stops, less congested, facilitated roadway works and tourism including return trips for resorts including beaches. Export markets from the Philippines include: China/ROC, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Southern Kazakhstan (experimental). SKYEVIEW: As set out with architectural design of outlets for the pedicabaravan movements starts with the import/export business around the corner, a showroom/utility garage outpost with setout parking at the back to continue the showroom of top-of-the-line concept pedicabaravans in formats of commuters and van utility vehicles for tourism use and utility cabs for across town transport with proof glass and aluminum-steel frame and concrete foundation seismically proofed to withstand a quake on the Richter scale of up to 9.3 and parts and utilities with offices below and lounge and amenities above. Remember the Jetsons high above in the atmosphere? Well its like that, although the panoramic view is well-built to be shop-cum-showroom befitting the concept themselves and is founded solidly on the ground. Next, let's pay attention to the other matter of an import/export parts replacement and refurbishment business (viz. spare parts) in the provinces who can interface between the manufacturing facility and other businesses outside the country (e. g. engines, tires, electronic solid-state appointments, electrical-biofuel system, brakes, mufflers, chassise systems, appliances such as airconditioning, and other parts) to supply such autobody shopping businesses in the city and country including autobody fitters and welders/solderers engineering designers). There is an option on the otherhand for parts and autobody shops in the myriad. We are asking to venture for outside investors to partner outside of the Philippine Islands for the purposes of trading in the marketplace after several subsidiarized plants are up and and running to service the industry (e. g. the highly rumoured GM-related entity from the U.S.A. although this still has to be confirmed, viz. Kabankalan, Neg. Occ., the Philippines). SKYEVIEW: The development plans continue in the Philippines are with the following investments in: 1) knowledge-based industries & IT; 2) infrastructural, facilities and equipment capitalization; 3) and human resource development (HRD). In particular, the Dumaguete City, NegOr. area is considering spearheading tourism and ecological awareness in the area or eco-tourism as it is more widely known with the ff. in planning and development: 1) planning with public interest interest in mind, 2) probing the market and surveying, 3) developers and real estate planners, 4) upgrading plans with help of city planners and zoning of by-laws with the reward of enjoying value of upgrade over 15-25 yrs in structural durability with market conditions, and 5) geographical strengths of the locale as in transportation access, amusements or recreation, natural amusements - all under regulation by government, e. g. land owernship, professional licensing permit issuing, accreditations, etc. Granted this is a solid scheme for a plan to embark on as the Philippine continues a steeper climb for development. SKYEVIEW: There is now developments in the fossil fuel energy sector amidst biorenewables from sands-extracted novel fuel sources that could replace OPEC's production for the next 36,000 years. This will cause current fossil fuels production to plummet and in some cases local oil prices to dramatically increase. There are two issues with this new development: 1) they will not replace current demand novel biofuels or biorenewables and the increasing need and legislation against the growing carbon fingerprint left by fossil fuels around the world and 2) assuring oil self-sufficiency on OPEC-dependent countries. We at Skye Blue will continue to champion the cause for replacing conventional fossil fuels with biorenewables such as geothermal/electrical, solar, wind, municipal waste gassification, alcohol fuels such as ethanol, isobutanol and isopentenol, biodiesel and a new development with biokerosene (from lignin and polyaliphatics, the latter in GMO plant sources). The last point we would like to make is what of Philippine oil resources off the shelf on the S. China Sea. Apparently more trade is being negotiated by its leader Pres. Duterte with China and Russia recently which could signal the Philippines willingness to move in the direction for more trade and investment and industrial and commercial activities, endeavoring in the near future for its young and up and coming population to leverage the oil claim against its neighbors in SE Asia and the Far East. It is yet unclear at this time how this will affect oil exploration and quotas in the region but making for a better and brighter picture for the oil situation around the world including the Philippines. SKYEVIEW: Recently the development in the British Columbian lower mainland Fraser Valley (also known as the Greater Vancouver Regional District, GVRD) of a futuristic local Life Sciences Hub north of the border of its better known cousin called Silicon Valley, San Jose CA in the U.S.A. will entail real estate development as a new lucrative growth niche market in the commercial-industrial sector attracting both foreign investment, manpower from the rest of Canada and overseas in terms of skilled labour and top-tiered world class resource management and other immigrants seeking opportunity with growing demand. Trade mutual to both G-8 class countries and developing emerging market countries and Canada will encourage further incremental growth between the two and to stem any domestic trends of back immigration and the potential risk of efflux of capital from the region, a securities exchange commission to stabilize asset holdings, viz. and the liquidity of assets. SKYEVIEW: Discussing further feed resources in rain-fed tropical farming systems in areas that have 'maxed out' farming and continued into the 'hinter' and 'uplands' there are systems of farming suggested such as SALT and island (concentric) farming of various crops: cash (e. g. corn, tobacco), root crops, fodders (e. g. browse trees & shrubs, grasses & legumes), and fruit trees, although the question is, how does commercial farming cooperatively work with the systems previously described. It would be logical to deduce that machinery, some infrastructure and energy resources would be invested in such an extensive venture such as SALT farming in the 'uplands'. It is assumed at this point unless commercialized that handling (e. g. harvesting, transporting, storage, marketing) would be only to points of locality. And that rather the application is to use fruit tree farming as with these 'upland' or 'island' plantational farming schema in med.-size farming as is already planned in Mozambique with certain multi-national investments in Africa for purposes of making an ROI and agrarian reform in the country. E.g.s. of fruit plantation farming would be: along with vegetables, pineapples, papaya, mangoes, guayabano, rambutans (a Chinese delicacy) and avocadoes. SKYEVIEW: Recent news from Africa regards inclusive development strategies including ports, rail, airports, roads, telecommunications, food manufacturing and processing and security with trade-export, agro-development-agrarian reform, energy fingerprinting and increased use of biorenewables and security, and urban regeneration strategies. There were two of but many examples possible in achieving this goal: 1) "Enjoying healthy lifestyles in African modern living," with greater financing and promoting of preventative healthcare; 2) financing the downtown of Johannesburg via regeneration such as multicultural, commercial marketplaces as safe "civic" meeting places- only the limits of man's creativity will see to its reality: culturally as to native ethniticity and immigrant groups, commercialization in tourism-hospitality including adaptation of cuisine and service, by civic demand among locals as to their festivals/rituals not to mention outside the commercial offers of merchandise made locally by traders, dealers including precious stones and jewellery in Africa. Eventually, large-scale venues for tourism may follow in bigger cities for food, amusements, gaming, entertainment and recreation; 3) in addition we add here our story that food security would reach the two-strata "haves" and the "have-nots" of their society and with "civic resettlements" amongst the more urban poor, food will have to be channelled towards the urban areas which will be met with affordable transport or commute between outward village settlements and these places of sustainable "urban regeneration". Money in the hundreds of millions of USD$ will be made through the traditional marketplace- and beyond, known since our parents days for us who were raised in such a domestic milieu. SKYEVIEW: The issue of overpopulation control in countries like the Philippines is dire due to its direct import on dragging underdevelopment further. The choices presented between two sides of the divide in the Philippine international arena (viz. amongst superpowers) is that of hegemonistic tendencies in Russia and China which have population control in tow due in part in the former to the white population and the 1-2 child policy over and above constraint versus the overpopulation of 10-20 million in the Philippines over the last decade in their underdeveloped democratic system; the President of the Philippines has reneged on Phil-Am bilateral military relations and it should be argued further that receiving countries like the U.S.A. will not tolerate brain drain in principle to engender their interests in Philippine nation-building as a shared commonwealth (albeit overpopulation tends to engender and relieve somewhat the brain drain effect). Population growth in our argument is very damaging whatever the case may be although native Filipinos would argue that it affects their economic outlook and family welfare, there is already less to go around as it is and yet less to realize in the the larger picture towards development. SKYEVIEW: We are outlining here the movement in nationalism in the Philippine Islands that continues to hold the country and which constitutes in part propagandist movements from the government against oligarchy and the "yellows" vs the balance of Filipino nationalists. It is believed that the PNP (Philippine National Police) stands to clamp down automatically against any civil unrest due to both autocracy and/or communistic tendencies in the populace in their democratic system. Noted, nationalization doesn't exist in industry by government to that extent in a country that is matured democratically and racially polyglot in the majority. Rather, there will be moves by government to further organize in coops and counter NPA (National Peoples Army) communist unrest in the provinces. One of the fall-outs of the nationalistic movement in the Philippines Islands is that coop will win out and proliferate as a choice for further human resource development (i. e. training) and capital asset development (albeit, to a lower degree compared to full enterprise and competition) among the lower masses possessing less education and training capital (i. e. labour standards) to commence with. The Philippine labour movement will "soften up" or "relax" from a more "depressed and polarized stance between haves and have-nots" and be advance progressively towards both improved labour market conditions and greater asset ownership, i. e. greater economic stability by the grassroots movements- coop movements for natural resource, energy, food & agriculture, biomedical equipment & pharma, etc., as examples. SKYEVIEW: The "greening" of biotechnology has finally begun with developments like: 1) genome editing (viz. food-grade gene copy, food-safe, viral-free transgenesis and future claims to mitochondrial-based recombination being biosafe from escaped germ plasm and 2) sustainability as in cropping addressing climate change, food security and malnutrition issues (viz. drought tolerance, flood tolerance, salt tolerance, pest resistance, low-lignin, hi-sugar, low-protease, yield-boosted and mineral-boosted var.). What the issues could be developing with the Green/NDP Party in our so-called FHTM West of the Prairies should be advocated and facilitated through discussions with various commercial concerns, viz. seed cos., for food, feed and energy feedstock. (Skye Blue would like to proactively seek partnership in its low-protease cultivars for pasture and field crop improvement in beef and dairy for grazers and silage-fed animal livestock with Dow Science and Kalamazoo College.) SKYEVIEW: The industrial development projected for Negros island region in the Philippine Islands will be predicted to be a European affair with railways, viz. track laying and routing and freight and tourist locomotive cars supplied from overseas sources, likely, because European concerns tend to more efficient in terms of figuring in operations and delivery of goods and services for such rail concerns with Scots taking the lead in Negros Oriental and the French in the upper Western half of Negros Occidental. On the otherhand the great oversight and capacity for motoring including development, manufacture and marketing and sales of the concept mini-cabs (navigated pedi-cab as it is locally known) for business, commute, tourist and excursion will be carried out by the Americans from Detroit most likely with California USA as the launch off point with a targeted region near Kabankalan in Negros Occidental. In case the reader wonders why this didn't materialize earlier, Americans just awakened to this new venture of an opportunity plus the economic and industrial developments that have presented themselves in such a country. Planned trade with import of critical parts including engines, spare parts and tires (IBPN Tires of Skye Blue has a formulated polymer for this use on the drawing board) will occur region-wide in SE Asia and the Far East including an investment opportunity with business in Kampuchea (Cambodia) and China were the engine contracted for manufacturing is being projected there. The industrial wave including infrastructural developments will prove to be "hard" industries in their nature of competitive capitalism compared to other consonant industries such as food for export and tourism, land-based feedstock biomass production for animal feeding, food and nutrition due to their labour-intensive component, co-op nature of business arrangements requiring substantial banking and subsequent cash flow with less capital competitiveness and intensiveness making them the "soft" industries. The source of lumber will be predominantly Philippine mahogany or popularly known as laua-an wood will come from diverse areas in Zamboanga del Sur, Pala want and Batangas. SKYEVIEW: The spreading of the word for the new Concept Mini-Cab (Mini Car Class) & Van-a-Wagon (Mini SUVs) continues this year (2018) project now for areas as: (a) Southern China, (b) the Carribbean, (c) SE Asia (e. g. Cambodia, Philippines), (d) Oceana and Mauritius Island States, and (e) Indian Sub-continent. The topics of acclimation in the process of these concept cars involves three key area: (a) Design & Construction -> 4-wheeler base, 5/8 weight ratio, compact hi-output rotary engine mounted chassis, gull wing concept for passenger / cab access; (b) Civic Planning -> roadways density, locations (departure/arrival points); and (c) Consumer Preferences -> tropical climes; outer or thinsulation in mini car body; cooling/air ventilation; entertainment & GPS/emergency control. SKYEVIEW: Systematic sanitation with growing low-cost housing programmes for housing design for removed urbanites to peri-urban and rural areas in the Philippines will suggest design that is consistent with the countryside's typography, baffling with potential seismic activity consistent with fault lines running through the Philippine Islands, and clime with, for e. g., 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, family & dining areas, kitchen and work room with wash closet elevated 12' above ground which will be essentially serviced in utilities by roofing solar panels for cooling, appliances, lighting and cooking and sanitation with the required plumbing, standing on a heavy concrete 'stone' base with a sewage reservoir directly underground and with covered culverts around the perimeter to catch rainwater or flooded deluge; a sewage system connected to the municipal treatment plant will be installed as an option depending on affordability. The house, if kept sanitary, can comfortably house 10 people as in a migrant family in the outskirts of a city or in the provinces who are currently occupying urban-provincial jobs. The shed is for janitorial/clothes washing in addition to the backroom areas for storage. A mechanical farm shed for tools and supplies and equipment is of course requisite for the farmsted scenario. SKYEVIEW: The current plans to start the international airport in the Central Visayas region has begun with funding from foreign Korean banking concerns and purchase of lands in the Bacong-Dumaguete area where there are plans in the Negros Island region to establish ports (air and sea) and rail for shipment of freight along shipping lanes which are rich in the area along the S. China/W. Philippine Sea, air freight available through franchising (there are rumours of TigerAir from Australia with a Singaporean subsidiary possible as a heavy user of the international airport) with ports of call for tourism between major SE Asian destinations, the Far East, Cebu and on to the Westcoast of north america and even beyong to Latin America. As we speak, the infrastructural contentions to develop tourism venues (e. g. theme parks, recreation/sports, entertainment) will be required to build traffic between airport and other destinations. There is also the enormous need to develop co-op based or type of industries that exploit entrepreneurial skills of locals and primary resource industries to maximize income/job generation from available opportunities and resources. This will help fuel transport areas in import/export businesses using inter-freight services between sea-land-air including the establishment of a comprehensive rail system insular to the island that serve freight class transport, tourism travel and more local-style commuter traffic with amenities or class travel provided appropriately for the modality of travel on rail from destination to destination. Now there are enormous opportunities to build transportation systems with rail using Canadian concerns if not looking further to Europe such as the Scottish or British rail systems. It should be noted that there are plans to upgrade considerably the inns and hotels network on the island but allowing for seismic upgrades and "green" compatible buildings to lead in this sector. SKYEVIEW: The Pangulo ng Bayan sa Pilipinas, currently in office, has offered his bet that the metro-Manila area will eventually be emptied of its people in favour of the new planned and soon to arrive commercial and industrial Clark City. Nevertheless, the 'old' Manila will still stand from the remnants that have left and will restructure itself with the ff. functioning components in mind: 1) banking/finance centres will remain established as they are, 2) tourism and transport systems including airports will be further streamlined and expanded to serve incoming/outgoing traffic and local commuters using the system and satellites hopefully contributing to stimulating whole, local economics to sprout up and operate as they do, 3) outlying industrialized zones will remain operational to provide for jobs or employment and for mfging goods and services to service the local economy and to provide for export/import activity and essential revenues for the local GNP, 4) low-cost housing has to now be financed and services provided to the needy and urban planning used to solve densification and provide for local migration between workers in the city and those residing in the rural communities, who support each other, 5) roads and bridges upgraded and better planned with regulated vehicular traffic including the new 'concept' mini-car or mini-SUV outside mass transit, 6) continuing modernization of the telecommunications and ICT industry and, finally, 6) development of land, sea and airport authorities to continually move goods and services into and outside of the country. We are currently working with new and promising technologies in agriculture and biotechnology including biotechnologies applied to animal production. Technologies might include in the future physical and chemical pre-treatments of forages, applications of microbial ligninolysis for feed ensilage, development of low-lignin forages and use of enzymes and fermentation to process the ligno-cellulose in fibre in feed to increase fibre digestibility, developing high-sugar forages and forages low in protease activity to decrease the degradability of protein together with partial heat damage by wilting in the field prior to ensiling or haymaking, eliminate protozoa in the rumen with anti-protozoal compounds in forage or by a previous method or approach currently being further developed using immunocontrol through the ruminal gut wall against surface protein antigens from protozoa, decrease degradability of protein in feed with protective compounds in forage and develop dual-purpose cultivars with forage high in protein and grain by developmental genetics to increase energy availability, rumen microbial protein synthesis and undegraded protein. Increasing protein supply is beneficial towards the production of wool, meat and milk which are limited by it. Some of these technologies have already been developed or have appeared in the developmental stage and we are further promoting them for significant development towards their adoption. We also have a longstanding involvement with the application of rec-DNA techniques to modify rumen microbial digestion to boost fibrolysis (including ligninolysis) in the rumen and to increase protein synthesis via their possible synthesis with introduction of proteins introduced into hosts from foreign sources. Some of these technologies proposed as applied to crops include anaerobic ligninolysis with ensilage of rice straw, whose practice has been proposed for tropical countries, low lignin in sugarcane for this biomass crop in the bagasse and high sugar or fructan content and other water-soluble carbohydrates in sugarcane tops (the aerial part of the plant), higher protein enriched and higher protein quality in the major grains such as maize, wheat, barley, oats, rye, sorghum and millet and low-lignin content, boosted sugar or fructan content and other water-soluble carbohydrates (WSCHOs) and low-protease activity (with heat protection of harvested forage) in whole maize plant for ensilage, alfalfa and other forage crops including possibly fodder trees and shrubs used in the tropics. Genetically altered low-lignin forages such as alfalfa, tall fescue and white clover are in their beginning stages of development. Low-lignin cob corn for increased ensilage of biomass has been commercially developed. Contingency traits in the event of plant biotic (eg. insect resistance, disease resistance) and abiotic (eg. drought/salt/cold tolerance) stressors and traits affecting overall plant productivity or yield are also included and are under development at this time. Recent developments in answering to the petroleum shortfall with biofuels such as ethanol include cellulosic ethanol from construction wood waste, low-lignin cob corn, bagasse from sugarcane and another variety for energy, low-lignin sugarcane and switchgrass that grows on land that competes less with food crops, like the castor bean and miscanthus. We are tracking these technologies for technical feasibility, cost-effectiveness, practical simplicity, cultural practice, sustainability, efficiency and overall productivity. The strategy towards technology development takes into consideration the following elements. Strategic research (basic research and technical feasibility, GMO traits and output quality targets with product concept and design and market competitiveness analysis), field research to measure yield characteristics, optimal growth conditions, farming practices or methods and safety to the environment, regulatory approval with the FDA/EPA (health and safety, environmental safety), patenting rights and licensing and commercialization of product (market competitiveness analysis, business team strategy and development, intellectual property strategy, technology licensing, linkages with industry/third stage companies, incubator space in small-scale start-ups, funding or business finance of IPOs, marketing and distribution, import/export regulatory approval, multilateral trade and agreements, process product development, engineering design and manufacture, pilot-scale mock-up and production scale-up). Another area of research is maximized cropping for biomass and has included corn, sorghum and sugarcane for feed and bioenergy and with low-lignin, high-WSCHO and high-crude/storage protein N in the cane variety and plantain banana as a high-starch/water-soluble carbohydrate whole plant feed source with molasses and canola or soybean meal as supplemental proteins. Biotechnology options have been discussed in organizations world-wide and their role in technology for practical ends in animal production. The consideration with these 'newer' biotechnologies is their use for maintaining health and to serving feed nutritional supplementation (e. g. vaccines against animal diseases and growth factors). There are other areas in feeds treatment to make available nutrients and to supplement feed, microbial agents and their efficiency with the digestive process and inbred genetically engineered variants in feeds (e. g. forages and grains) for nutritional ends as pre-biotic traits. These are the recommendations at this time with the FAO Rome, Italy and like organizations such as the Skye Blue (SB) Internet, Port Coquitlam, BC Canada. Here we discuss the important issue of "Cararanching" in the Philippine Islands including the island region in Negros Oriental. In the past various town zones have been earmarked for development: (1) Guihulngan, (2) Ayungon, (3) Talay, (4) Calindangan, (5) Palinpinon and (6) Bais/Tanjay for operations related to dairying and production, meat and slaughter and abboatoire and processing for transhipment. The need to outside financing no doubt will be required by farmers wishing to draw from Co-op bankers services as well as local investors like: (a) balikbayan investors, and (b) expartriates and emigres analogous to OFW transmittance funds via wire transfers which have successfully fueled the Philippine economy in the past. The Business Activity Model will take into consideration the need for goods and services including banking and the need to firm up what we refer to as all "infra-standing" assets in the Philippine Island. There is also the problem amongst locals of insurgency amongst communist-led militants who perceive outside interference and marginalization of the local poor from outside forces (i. e. foreign). The ff. concerns are as: (1) job creation to create more income flows for the economy, (2) goods and services supplied via local manufacturing (e. g. native goods) and trade, (3) essential services including agri-food businesses (e. g. business retail, roadside eateries, wet and dry markets, abbatoires and meat packing plants), (4) business offices for business process operations (BPO), (5) "capped" professional services for the more highly educated, (6) farmers and other rural workers both skilled and unskilled with organized labour for competitive bargaining of wages and benefits, (7) co-op industries for mass production of goods and services requiring: (a) tech transfer of tech commodities under license, (b) coop bankers- "the best friend of local and foreign investors", (c) "techies" in the local labour force for skilled labour ("unionized") defined in respected to skilled use of tools/equipment primarily and GMP practices in the various industries, (d) scientists and other professionals who supply the skills and guidance for R&D commercialization necessary for profitability and competitiveness and (8) hiring local people "on the ground" and the need for accountability to investors in general using the "paper trail" approach such as using modern software and connectivity, e. g. POS software in restaurants with modern telecommunications and direct reporting from banking and accounting.
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Last update of this entry: November 06, 2023