Registry of biomedical companies:
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365-2906 West Broadway
Vancouver V6K 2G8
Phone: 1 301 4760930 Fax: 1-775-640-6636 (USA) Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
Immunitor Inc (Company) is incorporated in 2010 in Vancouver, Canada as licensee of Immunitor USA Inc., incorporated in 2004 in Maryland, USA. The Company has in-house developed patented products and currently manufactures several immunotherapies as means of preventing and/ortreating viral (V1), bacterial (V2), fungal (V4) infections; chronic hepatits B and C (V5), atherosclerosis (V6), tuberculosis (V7), renal failure (V8), thyroid dysfunction (V-Hep), libido (HAP-V), cholangiocarcinoma (V3-X), pancreatic cancer (V3-P), and broad spectrum solid tumors (V3), endometriosis (V-Endo) and neurodegenerative disorders (V-Boost). The latest immunotherapy, hepcortespenlisimut-L, received orphan drug designation form the US FDA in 2014 and is currently in phase III clinical trial for liver cancer designation (Hepko-V5). The licensed technology is unique since it enables to formulate any protein or vaccine (recombinant or from natural source) as an oral pill, which is easy to administer, has low manufacturing cost, stable, safe, and effective. No other technology exists that could compete with Immunitor’s breakthrough invention which will reshape the vaccine and therapeutic protein industry. Company has recently added subsidiary companies in Hong Kong, Beijing, Ulaanbaatar and Moscow.
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Last update of this entry: August 04, 2020