Registry of biomedical companies:
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10-2-238/1, 2nd Floor, Plot No.176, Road No. 5, We
Secunderabad, A.P. , India
Phone: 91-40-7703110, 6217355 Fax: 91-40-7701449 Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
Landsky Solutions is committed to providing quality databases, software tools and services in the life science industry. Landsky is in the process of developing scientific software packages. These include programs for data analysis, graph plotting, statistics, sequence sells scientific software packages for Windows and Linux/Unix. These include programs for data analysis, graph plotting, statistics, sequence processing, assays, ligand-binding studies, kinetics, teaching and more. Landsky wishes to maintain a total commitment to the research and development of bioinfomatics in order to provide scientists with a steady supply of state-of-the-art systems today and in the future. While its proprietary programs focus on improvement of crops through a better understanding of the structure and function of plant genes, Landsky believes that its technologies are valuable to all industries whose products can be enhanced by an understanding of DNA or proteins, including the agrochemical, agricultural and diagnostic industries. Many of these industries have shorter product development cycles and lower risk than the pharmaceutical industry, while at the same time generating significant sales with double-digit profit margins. By partnering with leading companies in multiple industries, Landsky solutions proposes to diversifies its business risk, while at the same time maximizing future revenue streams. Through our integrated biological platform and expertise in comparative genomics and model system genetics, we are able to find drug targets that would be difficult or impossible to uncover using other approaches. In addition to commercial collaborations, Landsky Solutions has relationships with biotechnology companies, academic institutions and universities to access specific technology or intellectual property for the enhancement of its business. Over and above the above Landsky solutions is also involved in Education: Development of appropriate Bioinformatics curricula for secondary, undergraduate and graduate education. Landsky is ready to offer highly experienced bioinformatics teams that can quickly identify management and analysis requirements and deliver tailored, user-friendly solutions. Our teams consist of specialists from various fields like chemists, biochemists, cell biologists, structural biologists, physicists, Mathematicians etc.
We wish to make Landsky Solutions a superior Bioinformatics resource for scientists who are not computer engineers but who want the full advantage that well designed Bioinformatics solution bring to the research projects. Microbial Genomes are of great interest to pharma and health care companies. In each microbial genome that has been sequenced, 40 to 50% of the putative genes encode proteins of unknown function, and 20 to 30% encode unknown proteins apparently unique to that species. Genomic analysis also suggests that less than 1% of the microbes on Earth have been cultured and studied in the laboratory. Because of the unique properties of microbes already known, and the almost incomprehensible number of microbes on Earth yet to be studied, these organisms represent an untapped and extremely valuable resource for the basic sciences, biotechnology, agriculture, human health, energy, and the environment. At Landsky Solutions we are in the process of studying potential microbial genomes which are of importance in drug discovery for potential microbes. Landsky Methodology: Landsky scientists and computer specialists focus on managing, sorting, combining and interpreting the masses of data generated by individual or group research projects. These tasks are accomplished through genome and protein database maintenance, customized sequence analyses, structure and function predictions, and differential genome analyses which include providing common interfaces between diverse databases.
Last update of this entry: February 16, 2002