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registry of biomedical companies

  March 11, 2025
promoting the transfer of scientific know-how between industry and academia
Registry of biomedical companies:

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28, Ingenernaya street
Novosibirsk, 630090

Phone: +7 (383) 330-3516 or 363-9381
Fax: +7 (383) 330-3516 or 363-9381

E-Mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.


BIOSSET Ltd. designs and produces efficient instruments for the DNA and RNA synthesis for affordable prices. Original design of synthesizers allows to synthesize high-quality oligonucleotides with minimal reagent consumption. BIOSSET's DNA/RNA synthesizers successfully used in twenty countries.

BIOSSET produces:

ASM-2000 DNA/RNA synthesizer is high-throughput instrument for parallel synthesis of the 96 sequences of standard, degenerate and modified DNA and RNA. Efficiency - 96 oligonucleotides in 3-4 hours. The monitoring of synthesis quality is provided be trytil collection system. Wide range amidite portes - 12 bottles (10-250 mL) and 25 microtubes (0.25 mL). Special dispenser tool completely avoids the losses of special amidities and reagents for the filling of the liquid channels.  

ASM-800 DNA/RNA synthesizer is the eight-column instrument for the parallel synthesis of DNA and RNA. The instrument allows cost efficient synthesis of standard and degenerate DNA, RNA, DNA-RNA chimeras, phosphorthiote DNA and DNA containig various reporter/ligand groups (fuorescein, Cy3, CY5, biotin, etc), Fimers (2'-modified primers) and other "non-vanilla" oligos. All the reactans are despensered by syringe pump with flow step 1 uL and flow rate 12-100 uL/S.

OPS-1000 Oligonucleotide Purification System is automated instrument for oligonucleotide detrytilation and purification manuallly by solid phase extraction (SPE). Efficiency - 96 oligonucleotides in 1 hour. 

OPS-12 Oligonucleotide Purification System is instrument for oligonucleotide detrytilation and purification manually by solid phase extraction (SPE). Efficiency - 96 oligonucleotides in 1 hour.



Selected Categories:
Product Company   Service Company
- Research
- Equipment
- Research
- Production
- Research

Last update of this entry: September 28, 2022

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