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Via Mondadori, cm
Phone: 0039 0386 734473 Fax: 0039 0386 741904
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Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
Innovative raw material for the Pharmaceutical, Nutritional and Cosmetics sectors Thanks to its own European branch office (located in Italy) and its International Partners, BFCS is the first company to produce Baobab-Derived products and supply factories worldwide at the most competitive prices and quality: • Baobab fruit pulp (EU approved) in two different kind: Native & Micronised • Dried and micronised Baobab leaves • Micronised endocarp of Baobab Seed, rich in Aminoacids and Fatty Acids (omega 3 & 6) • lipoid extract (ultrasound) from the Baobab seed: a new formulation with greater antioxidant properties. • The most effective glycolic extract (ultrasound) from the Baobab leaf and fruit pulp. • An exclusive line of Gift products HandCrafted from Baobab Fruit for your Cosmetics & Health customers
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Last update of this entry: January 13, 2010