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Minden 60
7327 AW, Apeldoorn
Phone: +31 555430040 Fax: +31 555430050
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Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
Stable Isotopes - Tenax® Porous Polymer Resin Custom Synthesis - Custom Manufacturing - Toll Production Distributor Benelux for Cambridge Isotope Laboratories The National Business Success Award Institute has declared Buchem B.V. winner 2016 in the field of Organic Basic Chemicals. According to the nomination committee the company has developed into a leading company with a very strong position. "Buchem excellently knows how to combine its extensive know-how in the field of specialty chemicals with an innovative approach. A full-blooded world conqueror. " Chemical high-tech on the smallest scale. The large chemical companies come to Buchem B.V. in Gelderland when they are no longer able to develop something by themselves. Buchem B.V. has developed, produced and traded chemicals for applications in the medical and chemical sectors since 1988. They cater to the needs of all the major players in the world, but also to small customers such as universities, laboratories and hospitals. The company has a very strong position in the field of stable isotopes (non-radioactive isotopes). Next to the office in Apeldoorn, Buchem B.V. also has a high-tech chemical laboratory for very specific products in Leiden. Buchem B.V. operates internationally and has 15 employees. The nomination committee of the National Business Success Award Institute recognizes in Buchem B.V. a stable, progressive organization that is expected to achieve major successes in the future. "Innovation is key at Buchem, because they are constantly improving their products and services to optimally meet the needs of the customer."
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Last update of this entry: August 30, 2016