Registry of biomedical companies:
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Rudower Chaussee 5 - Geb. 13.9
12489 Berlin, Germany
Phone: + 49 30 6392-6205 Fax: + 49 30 6392-6206 Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
BIOPRACT is an innovative biotech company located in the WISTA techno-scientific campus at Berlin-Adlershof, one of the most dynamic developmental locations in Germany. BIOPRACT runs continuously own laboratories at this campus and leases on request biotech plants in Germany and abroad for developmental and productional purposes. BIOPRACT staff is highly motivated, trained and experienced in biotech development and production.
BIOPRACT offers:
COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS AND PROCESSES Cellulolytic enzyme complexes of the CelluPract® Series Use: feed, textile, alcohol, juice, sludge
( -Amylo/ -Glucano/Proteo)lytic enzyme complexes of the AmyloPract® Series Use: alcohol, beer, feed, textile
Background-Free Enzymes (Cellulase, Xylanase, Lichenase) Use: analysis and diagnosis
Active microbial cultures immobilized on coal products of the BioCoal® Series Use: in situ, on-site and off site bioremediation of soil as well as ground- and surface water with organic contamination (mineral oils, PAH, BTX, TNT)
Construction and operation of air-lift operated wells in contaminated soil according to the BioLift® - Process Use: in situ-bioremediation of soil and groundwater with organic contamination (mineral oils, PAH, BTEX, TNT)
Activation of natural monooxygenase producing microorganisms in con taminated soil and groundwater according to the Methane- Biostimulation-ProcessUS(DOE)-lic. Use: in situ-bioremediation of soil and groundwater contaminated with (chlorinated) volatile organic compounds
DEVELOPMENTAL COOPERATION Pharmaceutical: Fructooligosaccharides of the ß-2,6 Type, Fructosylated Natural and Synthetic Compounds (see description below)
Technical / Environmental: Thermostable Enzymes of Cellulolytic and Xylanolytic Type, Application of cellulolytic enzymes in the treatment of sludge BioFence® - Process: artificially aerated barriers with adsorptive and degradative power for in situ-purification of flowing groundwater (passive remediation technology)
CONSULTING: The BIOPRACT staff is ready to share its experience in developing microbial and enzymatic production processes. as the Biotechnology Transfer Agency for the New Bundeslaender (see corresponding leaflet) BIOPRACT is able to establish connections to more than 200 small and middle-sized biotech-related companies. Last update of this entry: before October 1999.