Registry of biomedical companies:
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4308 Progressive Avenue
Lincoln, NE 68507 USA
Toll free: 800-645-4267
Phone: 402-467-0700 Fax: 402-467-0819 Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
LI-COR Biosciences is a leader in the design and manufacture of instrument systems for biotechnology and plant biology research. The company pioneered the development of infrared fluorescence labeling and detection systems for DNA sequencing, genotyping and AFLP® for genomic research and discovery. LI-COR’s instrumentation for photosynthesis, gas analysis and light measurement are recognized world-wide for standard-setting innovation in plant science research and environmental monitoring.
Founded in 1971, the privately-held company is based in Lincoln, Nebraska with a subsidiary near Frankfurt, Germany. LI-COR systems are used in over 100 countries and are supported by a global network of distributors.
Last update of this entry: January 06, 2001