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Viale Tivoli 102
00018 PAlombara Sabina - RM
Phone: +39 0774 63 70 70 Fax: +39 0774 634039 Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
DAS is a reputable designer and manufacturer of medical devices with 45 years of experience. DAS guarantees high reliable products, quality and user friendly software. For more information please write to: - DAS web site at: DAS designs Full Automated Processors for ELISA microplates, IFA slides and DOT BLOT PRODUCT RANGE: AP22 ELITE: 2 ELISA Plates AP22 IF ELITE: 2 ELISA Plates - 16 IFA Slides AP22IF BLOT ELITE: 2 ELISA Plates - 16 IFA Slides - 24 BLOT Strips AP16 IF ELITE: 16 IFA Slides AP16IF BLOT ELITE: 16 IFA Slides - 24 BLOT Strips AP32 IF ELITE: 32/40 IFA Slides AP-BLOT ELITE: 48 BLOT Strips APE ELITE: 4 ELISA Plates APE IF ELITE: 4 ELISA Plates - 16/20 IFA Slides PLATE READER: 8 channel ELISA photometer PLATE WASHER: ELISA Washer STRIP READER: ELISA Photometer NEO-BIL PLUS: Neonatal bilirubin analyzer HB ANALYZER PLUS: Haemoglobinometer ANALYZER 90: Clinical chemistry photometer
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Last update of this entry: September 29, 2022