Registry of biomedical companies:
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1600 Millrace Drive
Eugene, OR 97403 USA
United States of America, Oregon
Toll free: 800.970.6670
Phone: 541.687.7962 Fax: 541.687.7963
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Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
Improving neurological health is one of the key challenges of the twenty-first century. Electrical Geodesics Incorporated (EGI) has developed a dense array electroencephalography (dEEG) technology that is now widely used in human neuroscience research laboratories around the world, addressing topics such as the mechanisms of visual attention, the abnormal frontal lobe development in autism, and the neurophysiological processes of normal sleep. To bring this research technology to clinical practice, EGI introduced clinical dEEG systems for long-term monitoring for epilepsy evaluation. As with other applications of neurological assessment, the result is improved guidance of therapy (in this case, neurosurgical intervention). With the accuracy of 128- and 256-channel recordings, the dEEG analysis can be registered precisely with magnetic resonance images to align brain function with brain anatomy. Because the Geodesic EEG System is comfortable and easy to apply, new markets are developing for which patient acceptance and efficiency of clinical protocol are primary considerations, such as routine clinical EEG and sleep medicine. EGI has broadened its technology platform to include multimodal forms of neuroimaging with dEEG at the core. These include simultaneous functional MRI (fMRI) and dEEG, simultaneous magnetoencephalography (MEG) and dEEG, and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and dEEG. For the advanced neuroscience research centers, EGI's dEEG systems and multimodal extensions provide a core technology that is common to otherwise incompatible assessments (MEG and MRI). With the capacity for extended monitoring, as well as MRI registration, EGI's technologies are providing new accuracy in assessment and treatment for the advanced clinical neuroscience facilities that are now developing in leading hospitals and medical centers. Please visit www.egi.com for full information on products, services, publications, and to request further details.
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Last update of this entry: March 10, 2015