Registry of biomedical companies:
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20 Forge Street
Keene, NH 03431
United States of America, New Mexico
Toll free: 800 535 6987
Phone: 603 357 1459 Fax: 603 357 1542 Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
Label printing and tracking systems for laboratories. These systems allow printing of multiple simultaneous labels. Microplate labels for drug discovery Slide labels for Histology and related research Vial labels for drug discovery, Virology, and Genetics Other labels for all other biomedical lab uses. Cryogenic labels stick to plastic vials and microtiter plates. Xylene resistant labels withstand Cytopathology and Histology stains and clearing agents. Moisture and cold resistant labels.
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Last update of this entry: July 20, 2005