posted 05-13-2004 07:12 PM
I am webmaster of a site (in bosniasn language) and we cover various topics from the field of science, including genetics. During our work we have noticed in various sources (internet and literature) different values for the identical sequences, so we are not sure which values are valid. It will be great thing for us if you can help us to clarify this:Are this values correct:
Nucleotides of ATGC in helix are consist as follows (number of atoms):
Adenine - Nitrogen: 5, Hydrogen: 2, TOTAL: 7
Thymine - Nitrogen: 2, Carbon: 1, Oxygen: 2, Hydrogen: 4, TOTAL: 9
Guanine - Nitrogen: 5, Oxygen: 1, Hydrogen: 3, TOTAL: 9
Cytosine - Nitrogen: 3, Oxygen: 1, Hydrogen: 2, TOTAL: 6
On some web sites we have found slightly different values. It is not a big difference but we would like to know are the values above correct and if they are not correct which are correct values?
We would also like to know are the values for ACG from above applicable for codons AUGC, and what is structure of Uracil in the codon matrix code?
Amino acids
We have also noticed different values for amino acids Arg and Tyr. So we are not sure are there some differences for prime amino acids. We would like to verify values below:
Number of atoms:
Glicin (Gly) - C: 2, H: 5, O: 2, N: 1, TOTAL: 10
Alanin(Ala) - C: 3, H: 7, O: 2, N: 1, TOTAL: 13
Serin(Ser) - C: 3, H: 7, O: 3, N: 1, TOTAL: 14
Prolin (Pro) - C: 5, H: 9, O: 2, N: 1, TOTAL: 17
Valin(Val) - C: 5, H: 11, O: 2, N: 1, TOTAL: 19
Treonin(Thr) - C: 4, H: 9, O: 3, N: 1, TOTAL: 17
Cistein (Cys) - C: 3, H: 7, O: 2, N: 1, S: 1, TOTAL: 14
Izoleucin (Ileu) - C: 6, H: 13, O: 2, N: 1, TOTAL: 22
Leucin(Leu) - C: 6, H: 13, O: 2, N: 1, TOTAL: 22
Asparagin(Asn) - C: 4, H: 8, O: 3, N: 2, TOTAL: 17
Asp. acid (Asp) - C: 4, H: 7, O: 4, N: 1, TOTAL: 16
Lizin(Lys) - C: 6, H: 14, O: 2, N: 2, TOTAL: 24
Glutamin(Gln) - C: 5, H: 10, O: 3, N: 2, TOTAL: 20
Glutam. acid (Glu) - C: 5, H: 9, O: 4, N: 1, TOTAL: 19
Metionin(Met) - C: 5, H: 11, O: 2, N: 1, S: 1, TOTAL: 20
Histidin(His) - C: 6, H: 9, O: 2, N: 3, TOTAL: 20
Arginin(Arg) - C: 6, H: 14, O: 2, N: 4, TOTAL: 26
Fenilanin(Phe) - C: 9, H: 11, O: 2, N: 1, TOTAL: 23
Tirozin(Tyr) - C: 9, H: 11, O: 3, N: 1, TOTAL: 24
Triptofan(Trp) - C: 11, H: 12, O: 2, N: 2, TOTAL: 27
It will be very helpful for us if you can verify are the values above correct and if they are not which are correct values.