posted 07-10-2003 03:03 AM
Dear Sir,
I am M.S in Materials Science with majors in in Biomaterials.At present I am doing my work on the Dental impression materials along with Professor Taik Nam Kim,who has been involved in the area related to biomaterials for last 10 years in S.korea and abroad.Now we are looking towards to establish a profit oriented commercial Biomaterial firm which specialises in dental magnetic attachments and dental impression materials, set up purely on private basis with collaboration in S.Korea.Dental materials in S.Korea has a very good potential market with fastly growing demand in the dental field.Therefore,there lies a great market potential for dental items,dental education materials,as well as for other related products.I shall be grateful,if you could help me in getting information about:
1- Companies interested in collaborating with this venture in S.Korea.
2- Terms/Conditions of collaboration,if it is to be established.
3- Investor's area of interest in dental materials for firm (if established) like ours.
Looking towards your favourable reply.
Thanking you,