posted 09-11-2000 07:56 PM
Dear Sir / Ms,Our company, Fartashdad, is a developing company in IRAN. We are a main importer, supplier & distributor of laboratory equipment, we supply different equipment for Consumers of our country.
Referring to our international trade, we are representative of some major worldwide factories and set commercial relationship during years.
Because of daily expansion of laboratory equipment usage in developing countries, Our Company would like to expand commercial relationship with new partner of new factories & companies.
We will be so glad to get more information about you and answer to your questions about our company. Please send your information to :
Second floor, No 174,
Marmar Alley, Eskandari cross,
Enghelab St.
Tehran 13117, IRAN
P.O.Box 14185/151
Tehran - Iran
Tel : +98 21 642 9966
+98 21 642 9955
Fax: +98 21 939283
We look forward to hear about you.
Thank you for your soon response.
Your Sincerely,
K. Bahrami
Trade Manager