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news archive January 2003

your information resource in human molecular genetics
2003-01-30 2003-01-28 2003-01-27 2003-01-23 2003-01-20
  • Passing Inhibitory Small RNA To Your Progeny
    A paper in the February issue of Nature Structural Biology reports the creation of transgenic mice, in which inherited RNAi lowers the expression of a target gene.
  • Di’George’s Syndrome Demystified
    Peter Carmeliet in Leuven, Belgium and colleagues begin to answer why some individuals are only slightly affected by Di’George’s syndrome while for others the consequences are severely life-threatening, involving severe cardiac and vascular abnormalities.
  • Genes For 'STEMNESS'
    Stuart Orkin of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, and colleagues report that the gene SCL/tal-1is essential for the generation of haematopoietic stem cell (HSCs), but surprisingly its continued expression is not essential for HSC functions.

Generated by News Editor 2.0 by Kai Garlipp
WWW: Kai Garlipp, Frank S. Zollmann.
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