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  Questionnaire on Pharmacogenomics Education in MD programs

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Author Topic:   Questionnaire on Pharmacogenomics Education in MD programs
posted 07-26-2004 05:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Administrator     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
July 2004

Dear colleague,

The advent of personalized medicine and its incorporation into the clinic
will depend to a great extent on the education of pharmacogenomics (PGx) to
our future physicians and health-care professionals.

Since 2001 my colleagues at Tel-Aviv University Faculty of Medicine and
myself have been involved with the incorporation of pharmacogenomics
education for our MD students (see: Gurwitz D, Weizman A, Rehavi M. 2003.
Education: Teaching pharmacogenomics to prepare future physicians and
researchers for personalized medicine. Trends Pharmacol Sci. 24:122-125).

I write asking for your kind collaboration with a global survey on
"Pharmacogenomics Education in Medical Schools". The attached questionnaire
will require only few minutes of your time, yet your input will be very
helpful for improving PGx education in medical schools. Survey data will be
processed statistically, and not linked to specific schools.

We hope to present the survey at the coming 3rd Annual Meeting of the
International Society of Pharmacogenomics (ISP)
(September 30 - October 4, 2004 - Santorini Island, Greece): http://biol.prospective-conf.u-nancy.fr/

We meanwhile invite you to post your comments and suggestions at our
"Education for Pharmacogenomics Discussion Forum": http://pagesperso.laposte.net/pharmacogenomic/upload/index.php?s=1 91a5c8c69cbc1c8a67afd3827af9d3b&act=SF&f=2

If you are not able to complete this questionnaire, or if you feel that
someone else in your faculty is more qualified to complete it, kindly
forward it to your colleagues.

Thank you for your kind collaboration in this survey.


David Gurwitz

David Gurwitz, PhD
Department of Human Genetics and Molecular Medicine
Sackler Faculty of Medicine
Tel-Aviv University
Tel-Aviv 69978, ISRAEL
Phone & Fax: ++972-3-640-7611
E-mail: gurwitz@post.tau.ac.il

=>> http://www.hum-molgen.org/documents/Questionnaire_on_Pharmacogenomics_Education_in_MD_July_14_2004.doc

[This message has been edited by Administrator (edited 07-27-2004).]


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