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September to December 1996





20/Dec/1996 |  WWW Home Page | E-mail: malik@ebi.ac.uk


The ImMunoGeneTics database, IMGT, is an integrated specialised database containing nucleotide sequence information of genes important in the function of the immune system. It collects and annotates sequences belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily which are involved in immune recognition, these are the B cell antigen receptor (Immunoglobulin or Ig), the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) (LIGM-database) and the class I and class II molecules of the Human Leucocyte Antigens (HLA) system (HLA-database).

An integrated immumogenetics database (IMGT/LIGM) specialising in Ig and TcR is under development through collaboration between LIGM, IFG and EMBL oustation EBI. This database consists of the Ig and TcR sequence entries.


LIGM Montpellier :Marie-Paule Lefranc (coordinator)
Veronique Giudicelli,Denys Chaume
EMBL-EBI :Ansar Malik
IFG :Werner Mueller

SRS server: http://www.ebi/srs/srsc
NOTE: Selecting this option will bring you to the SRS qerry interface page, where you have to select "search Sequence Libraries"
WWW server: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/imgt/
FTP server: ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/imgt
E_MAIL server: email netserv@ebi.ac.uk -- send "help IMGT" in the mail body.
This database is available on CD-ROM as an acompanying database to the EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database at nominal cost.
Ansar Malik Ph.D                        | Email:Malik@ebi.ac.uk
EBI - European Bioinformatics Institute | URL: http://www.ebi.ac.uk
Hinxton Hall, Hinxton                   | Tel: +44 (1223) 494417
Cambridge CB10 1RQ, UK                  | Fax: +44 (1223) 494968

15/Dec/1996 | WWW Home Page | E-mail: lvrebhan@bioinfo.weizmann.ac.il
GeneCards: a new database integrating information about gene functions

This new service presents extracts of the data stored in public databases like GDB, OMIM and SWISS-PROT with the intention of facilitating a brief overview of the cellular functions of the products of a gene, the diseases in which mutations
have been found, and much more. For example, see GeneCards for the famous BRCA1 or TP53 genes.

Go directly to GeneCards homepage or to the GeneCards Search Page


4/Dec/1996 | WWW Home Page | E-mail: pfoster@gdb.org


GDB - What's New (3-Dec-96)


Release of Mapview 2.0

Mapview 2 is a Java applet that displays multiple maps with common markers indicated by alignment lines. Whole maps or slices can be displayed. Users will have the options of viewing maps in either Mapview 1 or 2. For help retrieving a map or maps, see Access  Points to GDB.

Universal Coordinate Querying

Another option for searching on the basis of location has been added to the query forms. All Localizations, immediately following Cytogenetic Localization on the query forms, will use a specified location to search for Genomic Segments (and its subclasses, amplimers, genes, clones) across all maps in GDB simultaneously based on a common coodinate system.

Other New Features

  • The Order attribute of GenomicSegment and its subclasses hasbeen renamed to Related Segments. The Order class has been renamed to Relationships between Genomic Segments.
  • The menus that border the top of the details forms have been reorganized.
  • When retrieving sequence information from a detail form (Nucleic Acid Sequences), you will be asked to choose a sequence database, either GSDB (Genome Sequence Database) or GenBank (at NCBI). This selection will become your default database for future sequence retrievals, but you can change your preference at any time.

Large Data Sets in GDB (1-Dec-96)



      Data Type

      Cal Tech

      BAC Library

      Image Consortium


      Roswell Park Cancer Institute

      PAC Libraries


      Human Transcript Maps


      Radiation Hybrid Maps

      Whitehead Institute

      Radiation Hybrid Maps


      Linkage Maps


      Linkage Maps


4/Nov/1996 | WWW Home Page | E-mail: leser@mpimg-berlin-dahlem.mpg.de


The Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin, Germany, would like to announce the availability of IXDB via the WWW.
IXDB is a new database which stores information related to the physical mapping of the human X chromosome. It also stores data about genes, maps, contigs and several clone libraries. A graphical map display will be released soon. Objects are provided with links to other WWW-databases whereever possible.

Comments and corrections are always welcome.

Ulf Leser

30/Oct/1996 | WWW Home Page

The Child Health Research Project Announces its new Home Page: http://www.ih.jhu.edu/ihhtml/chr.htm

Fri, 25/Oct/1996  | WWW Home Page


The Human Transcript Map

is available at the World Wide Web site: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/SCIENCE96/. The map is discussed in this week's Genome issue of the journal Science (A Gene Map of the Human Genome).

25/Oct/1996  | WWW Home Page | E-mail: pmurf@ix.netcom.com


Rare Genetic Diseases In Children

"Rare Genetic Diseases In Children: An Internet Resource Gateway" is a comprehensive directory of resources and Message Board system for families. Hosted by NYU Medical Center, the Resource Directory links to web sites with information on disabilities, financial matters, education, specific disease Home Pages, medical concerns, reference information and support. A Message Board, the "Gateway Kiosk" has five Topic Boards, including "Life-Link Search" enabling parents to locate others with similar experiences. Professionals, too, are encouraged to visit the Kiosk Board and respond to the many inquiries on various diseases now posted.

Home Page:          http://mcrcr4.med.nyu.edu/~murphp01/homenew.htm
Resource Directory: http://mcrcr4.med.nyu.edu/~murphp01/frame.htm
Gateway Kiosk:      http://mcrcr4.med.nyu.edu/~murphp01/brdmenu3.htm

Paul Murphy

21/Oct/1996 | WWW Home Page | E-mail: webmaster@apopnet.com

APOPTOSIS Online: The Apoptosis Information & Communication Center

APOPTOSIS Online is a free information and communication service provided by ApopNet for all members of the life science community. The web site features an online discussion forum, a resume/position depository, and a content-based reference library devoted to apoptosis-related information. You can communicate with other users, post desired or available positions, and find information about books, journals, grants, meetings, web sites, methods, vendors, and review articles related to apoptosis research. Access to APOPTOSIS Online is entirely free, but a one-time member registration is required.

15/Oct/1996| WWW Home Page | E-mail: ED-MOLGEN@nic.surfnet.nl

C l i n i c a l  R e s e a r c h 

This section contains requests from researchers or patients regarding:
collaborative studies, shipment of samples, list of laboratories performing certain molecular tests, general information on diseases / treatments.

12/Oct/1996 | WWW Home Page | E-mail: mrogers@netaxs.com


There is a new web resource which tracks updates to 18 medical journals on the web and builds topical views from the combined tables of contents. Topical views also feature links to related news stories from PR Newswire.
o Abstracts are searchable.
o All links point back to the original articles or abstracts at the publishers' web sites.

10/Oct/1996 |  WWW Home Page | E-mail: ED-MOLGEN@NIC.SURFNET.NL


Call for Editors

At present HUM-MOLGEN serves world-wide approximately 4000 molecular geneticists and clinicians directly on-line as well as more than 40.000 WWW users from various disciplines. Being a non-profit organisation, HUM-MOLGENs services to the genetics community are mainfold.

To maintain, extend and improve our service, we need your support!

 7/Oct/1996  | WWW Home Page
[nobel] [ki]

 The Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute has today decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 1996 jointly to Peter C Doherty and Rolf M Zinkernagel for their discoveries concerning The Specificity of the Cell Mediated Immune Defence  

5/Oct/1996 | WWW Home Page | E-mail: wyee@aaas.org



Science's Next Wave, a Web site published by American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and Science magazine, will be presenting a forum on the changing scientific landscape in Asia.

This forum is part of our Going Public series that addresses scientific trends and issues of general interest to the scientific community. The Asia forum features six prominent scientists and scientific administrators from Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, and China, who will discuss the reform of scientific education, the changing scientific job market in Asia, stimulating scientific innovation, and cultural barriers to innovation, among other topics. The forum be accessible starting on Friday, October 4th.

Featured participants in the forum include:

-- Otto C.C. Lin, and C. C. Hang, engineering faculty from the National University of Singapore
-- Chia-Wei Woo, president of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
-- Hiroo Imura, president of Kyoto University
-- Zhangliang Chen, vice president of Beijing University and director of a national genetic engineering laboratory
-- Chunli Bai, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a scanning tunneling microscopy expert

Related to the forum, we will also be introducing a new group of young scientists as correspondents for Science's Next Wave, who will discuss their personal experiences as research scientists in Asia and offer advice for making the most of research opportunities in Asia.

These scientists-correspondents for Asia include an intern in the MIT Japan Program, former participants in the NSF Summer Institutes in Korea and Japan, and a North American scientist currently working for a prominent Japanese pharmaceutical company. Science's Next Wave will also be providing links to related web sites for scientists interested in exploring training and funding opportunities in Asia.

We strongly encourage you to tell your peers and colleagues about the current Asia features on the Next Wave site. Both the Asia forum and the related correspondent reports from young scientists will be accessible starting on Friday, October 4th. You are encouraged to direct your comments and career questions to the forum participants and correspondents via the Web site over the next two months.

The URL for the Next Wave homepage is http://sci.aaas.org/nextwave/

 Editors of Science's Next Wave


Wendy Yee
Associate Editor
Science's Next Wave


 [tigemnetred] Survey of trinucleotide repeats in dbEST


Program: BlastN - Length of the query sequence: (NNNx100) nucleotides  


Additional trinucleotide repeats available from The EST Machine @ TigemNet


New Science On-Line

Since the end of October the full text of Science research and news articles is available (free access through 1996). Fore more information please take a look at New Online Tools for Scholars by the Editor-In-Chief Floyd E. Bloom and Science Full Text FAQ.

24/Sep/1996  | WWW Home Page | E-mail: obogler@ucsd.edu

Cancer Research: A Public Dialog

You are invited to join a discussion about the perception and realities of Cancer Research.

Cancer touches millions of lives. In spite of the advances in understanding the disease that have been made, Cancer Research has failed to deliver the cure. Millions of dollars are spent on Cancer Research annually, in publicly funded programs, by charitable foundations and in private research institutes.What are your perceptions of Cancer Research? Do you think it is money well spent? Are we on the right track? Was your perception altered by Cancer, if you are a survivor or have a loved-one suffering from it? 

22/Sep/1996 | WWW Home Page | E-mail: dcurtis@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
Introductory course in linkage analysis
My intoductory course in linkage analysis is now available for browsing online or downloading at http://www.gene.ucl.ac.uk/~dcurtis/linkex.html It's a set of exercises taking people through basic use of the LINKAGE
programs and stuff.

20/Sep/1996  | WWW Home Page | E-mail: jec@biokemi.aau.dk
Human 2D PAGE Databases for Proteome Analysis.
The following human databases are available: keratinocytes, transitional cell carcinomas, MRC-5 fibroblats and urine.
You can display protein names and information on specific protein spots by clicking on the image of the gel representing the 2-D gel map in which you are interested. Also, you can search by protein name or organelle or cellular component.

17/Sep/1996 | WWW Home Page

The Mouse Atlas Project

The UK MRC Human Genetics Unit in Edinburgh is currently developing a digital atlas of mouse development and database to be a resource for spatially mapped data such as in situ gene expression and cell lineage. The project is in collaboration with the Department of Anatomy, University of Edinburgh, the Jackson Laboratory, USA and a European Science Foundation Network.

17/Sep/1996 | E-mail: romeo-mandanas@uokhsc.edu


Hematology Physicians Discussion List (HEM-Dr)

HEM-Dr (Hematology Physicians Discussion List) is a private mailing list designed mainly for physicians and the discussion of issues in hematology or blood, bone marrow or lymph gland disorders. Medical doctors, PhDs, and scientists working in the field of hematology or hematopathology as well as referring physicians are invited to participate in this discussion list. Patients and their loved ones who are seeking support group or hematology-related information are referred to either of two separate lists called HEM-ONC or MPD-NET.

Hematology deals with the study of both benign disorders of the blood, bone marrow and lymph glands as well as malignant diseases such as leukemias and lymphomas. HEM-Dr allows a private network of parties involved in hematology to conduct rapid exchange of informal discussions on various issues to ultimately foster better patient care and outcome.

To join the list or contact the listowners, write to:


Romeo A. Mandanas M.D.
HEM-Dr Listowner

16/Sep/1996 | WWW Home Page | E-mail: lvrebhan@bioinformatics.weizmann.ac.il

Looking for molecules playing a central role in the pathogenesis of the disease
you are interested in? Or are you searching for useful monoclonal antibodies
directed against a certain antigen; for the cellular function(s), or the
expression pattern of a certain protein? Then HotMolecBase,
the database about medically interesting molecules, may be
an interesting site to visit. To see what it's all about,
have a look into the typical entry, or try the
simple-to-use search engine. If you cannot
find the information you're searching for,
contact the author, and send him
some words describing your problems,
so that this ever evolving
web service may adjust
to your needs.

14/Sep/1996 |  WWW Home Page

NCHGR-DOE Guidance on Human Subjects Issues in Large-Scale DNA Sequencing

The Human Genome Project (HGP) is now entering into large-scale DNA sequencing. To meet its complete sequencing goal, it will be necessary to recruit volunteers willing to contribute their DNA for this purpose. The guidance is intended to address ethical issues that must be considered in designing strategies for recruitment and protection of DNA donors for large-scale sequencing.


13/Sep/1996 | WWW Home Page | E-mail: vtga@uhura.cc.rochester.edu

Announcing Biochemistry Online, an internet based journal

Can be accessed at http://www.arach-net.com/~jlyon/biochem/index.html
The third issue can be viewed at the following site : http://www.arach-net.com/~jlyon/biochem/issue3/index.html
Also, calling for papers for publication in the future issues of the journal.

Querries can be addressed to either Justin Lyon at mailto:jlyon@trib.net
or to Vineet Gupta at vtga@uhura.cc.rochester.edu
Vineet Gupta
Editor Biochemistry Online

13/Sep/1996 | WWW Home Page | E-mail: jbeck@umdnj.edu

World Wide Web version of the NIGMS Human Genetic Mutant Cell Repository catalog is now available

The Repository has human cell cultures available in the following categories: inherited metabolic disorders, biochemically mutant cell cultures with characterized mutations, well-characterized chromosomally aberrant cell cultures, CEPH Reference Families, a human diversity collection, and human/rodent somatic cell hybrid mapping panels. Menus are provided to allow users to search for cell cultures or DNA samples in a variety of ways, including Repository number, MIM number, disease description, as well as chromosome abnormality and number. Chromosome ideograms are provided for human/rodent somatic cell hybrids.

5/Sep/1996 | WWW Home Page | E-mail: ipg@mail.interpac.be
EDDNAL - European Directory of DNA Laboratories
The European Directory of DNA Laboratories currently provides contact names and addresses for 283 DNA laboratories and details services on 356 genetic diseases. The directory has been available since July 1996 as an on-line facility updated regularly. It is expected to promote information exchange between European centres and to improve the availability of services for rare genetic conditions. The next development will be to make available the data collected via a questionnaire addressed to all the listed laboratories. These data provide information about the kind of diagnostic service offered per disease by each laboratory i.e. methods, techniques, probes, microsatellites, test kits; availability of direct/indirect diagnosis, of prenatal/presymptomatic diagnosis; target report time, experience, research interest, general conditions. It is also planned to link EDDNAL and HELIX (American directory) sites in due course.

News Editor 1.0 by Kai Garlipp.
Logo and Logo Images by Art for BioMed / Syrinx GmbH - Frankfurt / Germany.
4.0 (c) 1995-98 HUM-MOLGEN. All rights reserved. Liability and Copyright.