Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
June 26 - July 16, 2009
This laboratory/lecture course is intended for researchers at all levels from beginning graduate students through established primary investigators who want to use Drosophila as an experimental system for nervous system investigation. The three-week course is divided into the study of development, physiology/function and behavior. Daily seminars introduce students to a variety of research topics and develop those topics by including recent experimental contributions and outstanding questions in the field. Guest lecturers bring original preparations for viewing and discussion and direct laboratory exercises and experiments in their area of interest. The course provides students with hands-on experience using a variety of experimental preparations that are used in the investigation of current neurobiological questions. The lectures and laboratories will focus on both the development of the nervous system and its role in controlling larval and adult behaviors. In addition to an exposure to the molecular genetic approaches available in Drosophila, students will learn a variety of techniques including: embryo in situ hybridization, labeling of identified neurons, electrophysiology (intracellular recording and patch clamping), optical imaging of neuronal activity, and the analysis of larval and adult behavior. Collectively, the course will provide a comprehensive and practical introduction to modern experimental methods for studying the Drosophila nervous system.
Invited Speakers:
2009 Speakers to be announced Last year's lecturers included: Cori Bargmann, The Rockefeller University Richard Benton, University of Lausanne Heather Broihier, Case Western University Vivian Budnik, University of Massachusetts John Carlson, Yale University Sarah Certel, Harvard Medical School Yick-Bun Chan, Harvard Medical School David Deitcher, Cornell University Josh Dubnau, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Aki Ejima, Brandeis University Tanja Godenschwege, Florida Atlantic University Stephen Goodwin, University of Glasgow Wesley Grueber, Columbia University Randall Hewes, University of Oklahoma Gregory Jefferis, MRC LMB Haig Keshishian, Yale University Edward Kravitz, Harvard Medical School Cheng-Yu Lee, University of Michigan, Life Sciences Institute Edwin Levitan, University of Pittsburgh Dennis Mathew, Yale University Jill Penn, Harvard Medical School Adrian Rothenfluh, UCSF Dinara Shakiryanova, University of Pittsburgh Stephan Sigrist, University of Würzburg Sean Speese, University of Massachusetts Glenn Turner, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Troy Zars, University of Missouri J. Lynn Zimmerman, University of Maryland Baltimore County John Zimmerman, University of Pennsylvania