Registry of biomedical companies:
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2-2-185/39/2, Ramakrishna Nagar, Bagh Amberpet,
Hyderabad, India- 500013
Phone: 9291226920
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Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
ABOUT US To Introduce ourselves as one of the Manufacturer's Representatives / Indenting/Sourcing Agents representing almost all major Indian Manufacturers / Buyers and also some of the most reputed and certified companies worldwide. We source new markets and clients for their quality products in India and can source any kind of Active Pharmaceutical Raw Materials / Intermediates / chemicals at most competitive prices. Most of the products have EDMF / COS. We assist buyers to identify most reliable and competitive suppliers in India for their required products with necessary Regulatory support. We can also source latest new molecules for R & D purpose. Most of our manufacturers are WHO / GMP / ISO/ US FDA / MCA/ MCC approved. Apart from the above, we also source Intermediates for various API's, Pharmaceutical Formulations, Neutraceuticals, Dietary supplements, Herbal Extracts and other Chemicals. We welcome genuine enquiries from manufacturers , established distributors and end users of Pharmaceutical raw materials. We also look forward to represent validated manufacturers of chemicals & allied products who seek new markets for their products, especially in India.
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Last update of this entry: October 27, 2011