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registry of biomedical companies

  March 25, 2025
promoting the transfer of scientific know-how between industry and academia
Registry of biomedical companies:

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34 Rodopoleos street
Athens, 16777

Phone: +30.210 9629848
Fax: +30.210.9647606

E-Mail: info@biovista.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.


Biovista has offices in the USA and Europe.

USA 2421 Ivy Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903 Tel: +1 (434) 971 1141, (434) 971 1143 Fax: +1 (434) 971 1144 email: info@biovista.com

EUROPE 34 Rodopoleos Street Athens 16777, Greece Tel: + 30 210 9629848 Fax: + 30 210 9647606

1. Positioning

Biovista develops software-based products and services for knowledge-intensive applications in the healthcare, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Its products are based on Systems Literature Analysis (SLA) of science papers and patents. SLA is used to focus on two areas: discovery/diagnostic R&D and also business analysis applications.


Discovery/diagnostic R&D

Systems Biology and Experiment Design                  

Understanding correlations between multiple research parameters to improve experiment design

Focused target arrays

Designing focused arrays of target genes and proteins

Clinical diagnostics and disease signatures

Tracking reagents for clinical diagnostic applications. Identifying intersecting disease signatures.

Novel targets

Protein targets that have common use as intersections of disease groups.

Business analysis applications

Customer targeting

Profiling and generating large targeted marketing campaigns aimed at researchers, based on their precise experiment habits.

Competitive intelligence

Profiling competitor companies using experimental citation data and high-throughput patents analysis.


2. Market Need

Discovery/diagnostic R&D applications

1.      Efficient use of literature

Researchers in industry and academia spend an average of 10-20% of their time on searches in databases like MedLine, Google and others. At most, they are able to scan and read the full text of no more than 100 papers a year, out of the 0.5 million papers published per year. They miss critical information and design experiments without the benefit of consensus expertise. They rely on simple ranking by the search engines to list vast numbers of papers, and waste time finding relevant data. On average, it is estimated that a researcher will waste about 30% of their literature search time on irrelevant data.

2.      Experiment design

Experiment design suffers because researchers select and purchase the wrong reagents for their experiments. This is because they have no good way to help them find the right experimental conditions, as published in peer-reviewed papers. It is estimated that a lab will waste about 20-30% of its consumables budget on the wrong reagents and conditions.

3.      Intersecting disease signatures

Diseases are typically analyzed in terms of small gene groups that are shown to be differentially expressed in the disease of interest. This ignores the effect of other intersecting diseases that might be present at the same time in the same patient, as is often the case, for example in the metabolic syndrome, diabetes and obesity and many others. There is a recognition of the need to characterize diseases in terms of genes that are relevant with respect to the specific disease and simultaneously other intersecting ones.


Business analysis applications

1.      Customer profiling for suppliers

There are over 1,000 companies that supply reagents and other products to researchers worldwide. These suppliers have a constant need to profile their customers needs and generate large numbers of targeted mailings. They have limited ways to achieve this constant and repeating need.

2.      Competitive intelligence

Using the research and patent literature in high-throughput mode, it is possible to systematically extract data and trends about competitors and their R&D activities, as well as their relative market share, in ways that complement traditional analyses based on published financial data.


3. Technology

Biovista’s technology to perform SLA consists of a proprietary platform called Discovery Algorithmics™ (DA). DA automatically scans full-text data (Biovista’s database consists of all 14+ million MedLιne abstracts, over 60,000 full text papers from leading journals, over 300,000 life science patents and over 400,000 life science press releases) with over 300,000 terms structured in a variety of proprietary ontologies. The databases are constantly updated and the output varies with the application (see below).


4. Applications, Products and Target Markets

The table below organizes Biovista’s products relative to the applications and target markets.




Target Market

Discovery/diagnostic R&D

Systems Biology and Experiment Design

BEA (Biolab Experiment Assistant)

Lab researchers in industry or academia, independent of area of research

Focused target arrays


Microarray companies; Genomics groups

Clinical diagnostics

Reagent Tracker™ and BEA

Biomarker groups and companies; Diagnostic antibody companies

Disease signatures


Discovery, validation and clinical groups

Novel targets

BEA plus LBD (Literature Based Discovery module)

Discovery, validation and clinical groups

Business Analysis

Customer profiling for suppliers

Journal Research Analyst (JRA)

Reagent and lab supplier companies

Competitive intelligence

JRA and Patent Analyzer™

Reagent and lab supplier companies; Biopharma business units; patent attorneys


5. Pipeline

Biovista conducts its own R&D and has a number of projects in development:


>        Knock-out/RNAi Modeler: simulation of a knock-out experiment

>        Array Designer: optimized design of focused protein arrays

>        Literature-Based Discovery (LBD) Module: finding novel targets that link diseases

>        Disease Signatures Module: characterizing diseases by intersecting signatures of genes, pathways and other diseases

>        Novel targets: Biovista is using its LBD and Disease Signature modules to characterize intersecting disease signatures and identify novel targets that potentially serve as links between diseases, where a drug identified for use against that target in one disease might benefit the intersecting ones as well.


6. Intellectual Property

Biovista has and is filing patent applications on its products and methods. In addition, Biovista is using its own products to discover and validate targets with novel applications using SLA, and plans to file patents appropriately.


7. Exposure

>        Biovista presented its SLA technology in 2004 at the BioLink conference in Boston, at the Drug Discovery meeting in Cyprus, at the CHI Cheminformatics meeting in Philadelphia, at the Chinese Biotech Association meeting in Maryland, at the BioNova meeting in Athens and others. It has also been invited to write a review on SLA for the journal Bioinformatics for the Fall of 2004.

>        Biovista management has authored papers that have appeared in several peer reviewed publications, including Nature Biotechnology and others.


8. Collaborations and clients

>        Biovista’s technologies are being beta-tested at Harvard, Rockefeller, the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Auckland.

>        Biovista is in negotiations for pilot installations with major pharmaceutical companies as well as leading universities.

>        Biovista participates in several EU collaborative projects primarily in the IST and Life Sciences program Areas. Collaborators include major universities and corporations including Unilever, France Telecom, PIRA, IBM, EMBL, Fraunhoffer-IPSI, Universities of Liverpool/Geneva/Manchester/Saarlandes/Innsbruck and others.


Selected Categories:
Product Company   Service Company
- General
- Research
- General
- Research
- Research
- Software
- Services

Last update of this entry: August 30, 2016

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