Registry of biomedical companies:
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1, Manglam Building, Kankuwadi,P.M.Road, Vile Parl
Mumbai 400 057 India
Phone: ++91 22 2614 59 52 Fax: ++91 22 2610 12 43
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Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
We offer PINFU- Starch Soluble for use in biotechnology industries for growing cultures. Although we have standard product which is generally used by the industry, we can offer product as per user's specifications also to take care of any more important criteria. Culture growth is 4 tme as that in normal Starch Soluble. We welcome enquiries from users. We will be glad to send necessary samples and details. Give us your detailed mailing address and the concerned person's name and other communication details. We also offer SSAR Starch Soluble ACS , GR , EP etc. and custom modified grades. We also manufacture SSEP- Potato starch Hydrolysed for Starch Gel Electrophoresis. We export all over the world. Thank you. Narayan
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Last update of this entry: November 10, 2018