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Cambridge Healthtech Institute , Washington, D.C.
December 4-5, 2000

Without doubt the Human Genome Project has taken several giant steps into the Twenty-First Century, both for science and for self- knowledge. As its fruits fall into our hands, it is important to acknowledge the remarkable efforts and insights that made this happen. We should also note that despite this outstanding success, many new questions have concomitantly emerged. Beneath this new gestalt, we now face a more complicated view of ourselves. Logically, on this incremental path to self-advancement, we now confront the Proteome.

The human race most highly lauds itself for placing its footsteps on the surface of earth’s moon. This new journey, a progression to the center of inner space, will be more immediately and more profoundly rewarding. By understanding what we are, we will inevitably and irrevocably change who we are. This is not a situation to enter into lightly.

We want this conference to act as a forum for the free flow of ideas and information. Cambridge Healthtech Institute is focused in this new century on enabling science to evolve in step with society. We envision this conference acting as a giant loom, located at the political center of the nation, where we can draw together innumerable independent threads and lines of thought, and weave a societal fabric of formidable size and strength. Our main goal is to actuate public and private energies to fuse into a single panoply. Consensual and careful planning at the outset will harness the naturally occurring forces of politics and markets, technology and pure research. To underscore the sine qua non importance of this cooperation, several round table discussions are planned in plenary session. These will be moderated by respected independent figures. The politics of inclusion will be front and center at all times.

Organized by:

Cambridge Healthtech Institute

Deadline for Abstracts:

November 3, 2000


Available on-line
Email for Requests and Registration:

Posted by: Jennifer Laakso   Host:
date: June 29, 2000 20:46:53
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