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Integrative Bioinformatics

Cambridge Healthtech Institute , Hotel Inter-Continental Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
October 12-13, 1998

As the amount of data from sequences continues to grow
at an ever increasing rate, there is an urgent need for
software and information technology to assimilate the data
into useful information. Innovations in bioinformatics will
have a beneficial effect on biotechnology industries,
including those of agriculture, pharmaceutical, and
medicine. The current challenges in this area will be
discussed, including creating and implementing
object-oriented databases, integrating databases of
information, improved methods of characterizing information,
and the emerging discipline of proteomics.

Registration :
Early Registration (by July 17, 1998) Commercial $745 Academic $370
Advance Registration (by September 4, 1998) Commercial $845 Academic $395
On-site or Late Registration, Commercial $945 Academic $445

Deadline for Abstracts: September 11, 1998

Email for Requests and Registration: chi@healthtech.com

Posted by: Jennifer Laakso Host: date: May 27, 1998 15:27:26
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp