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Ninth European Congress on Biotechnology - ECB9

Society for Industrial Chemistry Belgian Branch on behalf of European Federation For Biotechnology , Brussels - Heysel
11-15 July 1999

Invited Speakers: Information will be available at the website soon

Nine parallel symposia, for biotechnology related toHealth, Agro-food, Environment, Chemicals,
Life Sciences, Engineering and Manufacturing, Physics and Chemistry,
Informatics, Social sciences. THeme days for health, agro-food, chemicals, environment, A day of forum meetings
Interactive courses on the interface with BIOTOP 99

Registration :
Documenta cv Lakenweverstraat 21, 1050 Brussels Belgium
or even better pre-register over the website http://www.ecb9.be/

Deadline for Abstracts: Januari 1999

Email for Requests and Registration: ecb9.orcom@skynet.be

Posted by: Yes I do Host: dialup32.mechelen.skynet.be date: February 08, 1998 21:52:11
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp