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Cambridge Healthtech Institute , San Francisco, California
June 11-12, 1997

Co-sponsored by: Molecular Applications Group

Advances in sequencing technology and the number of groups carrying out such research are
resulting in an enormous explosion in the amount of available sequence data. In order to take full
advantage of this mountain of data and convert it into useful information, there is a need for
increasingly sophisticated bioinformatic capabilities. Software and database issues that will be
covered during this meeting include the use of algorithms, programs for linking different types of
databases, and database integration. The interpretation of sequence data using bioinformatics
includes the capacity to relate gene sequence to the structure of encoded proteins and ultimately to
possible functionality of these gene products.

Registration :
Cambridge Healthtech Institute
1037 Chestnut Street
Newton Upper Falls, MA 02164

Phone: 617-630-1300
Fax: 617-630-1325

Deadline for Abstracts: 04/25/97

Email for Requests and Registration: chi@healthtech.com

Posted by: James Larkin Host: date: March 26, 97 13:42:03
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp