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Ancient DNA IV

Institute of Anthropology, Georg-August-University , Goettingen, Germany
June 5-7, 1997

Invited Speakers: to be announced

to be announced

Registration :
aDNA IV - Conference
Birgit Grosskopf
Institut fuer Anthropologie
Buergerstr. 50
D-37073 Goettingen
Phone *49-551-393638
Fax *49-551-393645

Deadline for Abstracts: January 31, 1997

Email for Requests and Registration: adna4@gwdg.de

Posted by: M. Kratzmeier, Ph.D., Goettingen, Germany Host: UKB1-30.Uni-BC.gwdg.de date: January 22, 97 14:12:36
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp