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25th Annual Pediatric Trends

Johns Hopkins Children's Center, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions , Baltimore, MD
April 14 - 19, 1997

Invited Speakers:


Edward M. Sills
 Course Director

Lisa S. Abrams

Hoover Adger, Jr.

Gary D. Berkovitz

Daniel Bowers

Barry J. Byrne

John L. Carroll

James F. Casella

Samuel Casella

Allen R. Chen

Bernard A. Cohen

Kenneth J. Cohen

Thomas O. Crawford

Gary R. Cutting

Patricia A. DeRusso

George J. Dover

Peyton A. Eggleston

Paul Fisher

Barbara A. Fivush

Terry Fry

Susan L. Furth

Michael T. Geraghty

M. Beth Goens

Angela S. Guarda

David L. Guyton

Neal A. Halsey

Robin A. Henderson

David G. Hunter

Ethylin W. Jabs

Alain Joffe

Jean S. Kan

Ruth A. Karron

Gregory J. Kato

Howard M. Lederman

Vicente Lemes

Paul S. Lietman

Elizabeth Lowe

Sharon A. McGrath-Morrow

Anne M. Murphy

Alicia M. Neu

Maria Oliva-Hemker

A. Gail Olsen

Maria A. Pelidis

Leslie Plotnick

Michael X. Repka

Linda S. Resar

Peter C. Rowe

Hugh A. Sampson

Kenneth C. Schuberth

Cindy L. Schwartz

Scott Sicherer

Harvey S. Singer

Philip J. Spevak

Sheri L. Spunt

Laura M. Sterni

George H.Thomas

W. Reid Thompson

Eileen P. Vining

Janet C. Will

Rodney A. Willoughby

Jerry A. Winkelstein

Robert A. Wood

Nancy Yokois

Pamela L. Zeitlin


Ellen Neuhaus

Brijid Reis

Chief Residents

Susan A. Bardwell

Kristen M. Brinkman

Clark C. Brown

Michael D. Cabana

Susan J. Chaitovitz

Christine Chiello

Miriam R. Goodstein

Robert Iannone

Christina S. Johns
Mary H. Johnson

Debra L. Kruse

Cynthia R. LaBella

Margaret A. Leary

David M. Loeb

John Lovejoy

Bradley S. Marino

Soheil Meshinchi

Beverly E. Naiman

Theresa T. Nguyen

James W. Rice

George K. Siberry
Katie L. Snead

Kristine A. Torjesen

Rebecca Vickers

This course has been designed to fill the current needs of physicians interested in the care of infants, children and adolescents. For the 25th consecutive year, this course is being given by the staff of the Children=s Medical and Surgical Center of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine to provide a review of those recent advances in the biomedical and behavioral sciences which will have an impact upon the health and medical care of children from fetal life through adolescence. Special attention is devoted to those "Objectives for Recent Advances" and "Objectives for Annual Review" as proposed educational objectives of the PREP program of the American Academy of Pediatrics. The course combines lectures in pediatric science, clinical demonstrations, conferences and symposia. A problem-oriented approach is emphasized. Ample time has been planned to allow for questions and discussion. Numerous luncheons, coffee breaks and a social event have been arranged so that registrants and faculty may have an opportunity to exchange ideas in informal surroundings. A syllabus with bibliography will be distributed to provide a permanent record of the course.

At the completion of this course, participants should be able to -

     * diagnose and manage a variety of pediatric problems

     * have a better understanding of the following pediatric entities: hematology, ophthalmology, dermatology, pulmonary, endocrinology, gastroenterology, nephrology, infectious diseases, immunology, allergy, cardiology, neurology, genetics, adolescence, chronic fatigue syndrome, oncology and home care, as well as other selected topics.

Registration :

Received by February 14$650$450
Received after February 14
*(include letter from department chairperson verifying status)

Deadline for Abstracts: na

Email for Requests and Registration: cmenet@som.adm.jhu.edu

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