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Genetics of Common Disease: future therapeutic, diagnostic, prognostic and screening approaches

University College London, UK , University College London Medical School
Tuesday 10th December 1996

Invited Speakers: Prof Sue Povey, London; Prof Roger Williams, Salt Lake City, USA; Dr Kirsten Kyvik, Denmark; Dr MAnolis Spanakis, London; Prof. Noor Kalsheker, Nottingham; Dr Mark McCarthy, London; Prof Pedro Lowenstein, Manchester; Dr David Bailey, Pfizer, Kent; Prof Michael Owen, Cardiff; Dr Ian Day, London; Dr Keith Fox, Southampton; Dr Mike Clark, Cambridge; Prof Steve Humphries, London; Dr Bill Ollier, Manchester; Dr Paul Debenham, UDL Ltd, London

What is the future for disease-intervention in genotype-specific ways?Morning session - genetic mechanisms in common diseases: history of approaches; molecular basis and analytical methods; twin research; type 2 diabetes; APOE gene in coronary disease and Alzheimer's dementia; schizophrenia; blood clotting and coronary disease; MHC complex and rhematoid arthritis.Afternoon session - approaches to clinical utilisation of genotype-dependent risk: tracing treatable coronary and cancer risk families; treatment of emphysema; gene therapy in neurological diseases; pharmaceuticals perspective, robotics, target gene identification and pharmacogenetics; oligonucleotides as therapeutic agents; protein engineering of therapeutic antibodies for immunosuppression and leukaemia treatment; commercially based gene testing.Summary/panel discussion.

Registration :
Symposium Administrator, Dept Molecular Pathology, UCL. Fax +44 171 387 3310 Tel +44 171 380 9343email j.wenley.ucl.ac.ukRegistration £95, students £35Approved for 7 CME credits.

Deadline for Abstracts: Nil

Email for Requests and Registration: iday@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk or j.wenley.ucl.ac.uk

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