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Cerebrovascular Pathology in Alzheimer's Disease

New York Academy of Sciences , East Rutherford, New Jersey, US
November 12-15, 1996

There are two central questions for discussion at this conference.
The timing of cerebrovascular changes versus clinical onset
of Alzheimer's disease and the temporal relationship of
amyloid deposition in vessels and cerebral tissue.

For further information please visit http://spine.unm.edu/neurosurg/lab/alzmain.html
or http://www.nyas.org/cpa.htm.

Registration :
For registration information

Ms. Sherryl Greenberg
Science and Technology Meetings
New York Academy of Sciences
2 East 63rd Street
New York, NY 10021
Voice: 212-838-0230 Ext 324
FAX: 212-838-5640

or http://www.nyas.org/cpa.htm.

Deadline for Abstracts: 09/15/96

Email for Requests and Registration: jdelator@surgery.unm.edu

Posted by: Theresa Hadden Host: surg34.unm.edu date: August 17, 96 12:41:27
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp