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6th Annual Canadian Therapeutics Update

Coordinated by Stroke Prevention & Atherosclerosis Research Centre , Queen's Landing Hotel, Niagara-on-the-Lake
July 12th to 14th, 1996

Invited Speakers: Dr. Shaun GoodmanDr. George CarruthersDr. David SpenceDr. Christopher PattersonDr. Gideon Koren]Dr. Jon StoesselDr. Nichole leRicheDr. Bill MooteDr. Anita RachlisDr. John HowardDr. Irene HramiakDr. Paul Oh

REGISTRATION FORM SURNAME FIRST NAMEADDRESS CITY/TOWN PROVINCE POSTAL CODE WORK PHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER In order to plan for the July 12th winetasting & reception, please indicate if you will be attending Yes Number in your party attendingTo register, please enclose a cheque for $275.00 payable to the "Canadian Therapeutics Update" and return to: Dr. J. David Spence 1400 Western Road London, Ontario N6G 2V2or for further details contact Mrs. Marsha Davis (Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 5:00 pm.) at (519) 663-3113.Course Description: This 2-day course is directed to general internists and other primary care physicians, but will be of value to subspecialists who wish to upgrade their general knowledge of pharmacology and therapeutics. The course will offer a comprehensive updating in practical drug therapeutics and patient management in most areas of internal medicine. The format of brief practical talks with ample discussion time will permit the audience to focus the topics on problems arising from their experience.Learning Objectives:* Assist participants to critically evaluate policy recommendations and claims of efficacy in a broad range of common medical problems.* Provide a balanced view of appropriate place of new therapies.* Provide ample opportunity for discussion.Note From the Course Director: The annual CME days on Therapeutics across Canada, patterned after the McGill Drug Therapy Day, are consistently rated as among the best CME days at the University of McGill, The University of Western Ontario, The University of Calgary, The University of British Columbia, Dalhousie University, and The University of Saskatchewan. This course has been highly reviewed by the participants every year since its inception. By bringing the best teachers together in a national program, we hope to achieve outstanding results again. The meeting showcases Canad

Registration :
Fee for Course: $275.00.Cheque is to be made payable to "Canadian Therapeutics Update" and sent to:Dr. J. David Spence or Mrs. Marsha DavisStroke Prevention & Atherosclerosis Research CentreSiebens-Drake Research Institute1400 Western RoadLondon, Ontario N6G 2V2Phone: (519) 663-3113Fax: (519) 663-3018Email: mdavis@rri.uwo.ca

Deadline for Abstracts: No abstracts. Speakers are by invitation.

Email for Requests and Registration: @sparc2.sdri.rri.uwo.ca

Posted by: Marsha Davis for Dr. J. David Spence Host: sparc2.sdri.rri.uwo.ca date: April 24, 96 21:17:54
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