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Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory , Cold Spring Harbor, New York
September 18th - 22nd, 1996

Invited Speakers: Platform and poster presentations are chosen from submitted abstracts.

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory will host the meeting on the MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF HEPATITIS B VIRUSES which will begin at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday September 18, 1996 and end after lunch on Sunday September 22, 1996. We are looking forward to a broad-based meeting, and abstracts are welcomed on all aspects of HBV biology. Currently, platform session topics are planned as follows:

* Transcription
* Replication
* Structural proteins and receptors
* Regulatory proteins
* Hepatocellular carcinoma
* HBV-Variants and Hepatitis Delta virus
* Persistence, pathogenesis and immunology
* Antivirals

Each session will comprise about ten talks, selected from submitted abstracts that are peer-reviewed by the chairpersons. In the tradition of previous meetings of this series, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are particularly encouraged to participate in the lecture and poster sessions. Abstracts should contain only new and unpublished material. We urge groups to avoid the overlapping of redundant abstracts. If several abstracts are submitted by a group, we recommend that you indicate which abstract(s) you want considered for formal presentations and for poster sessions. Submission of an abstract is not required for attendance. All registrations should be submitted by the abstract deadline, since we may have to limit attendance if the meeting is oversubscribed. The abstract deadline is July 3, 1996.

Registration :
Registration materials are available online. For further information, contact the Cold Spring Harbor Meetings & Courses Office (meetings@cshl.org; fax 516 367 8845; phone 516 367 8346)

Deadline for Abstracts: July 3rd 1996

Email for Requests and Registration: meetings@cshl.org

Posted by: David J. Stewart Host: caracas.cshl.org date: March 13, 96 14:27:41
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp