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Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology '96

Washington University in St. Louis , St. Louis, Missouri, USA
June 12 to 15, 1996

Invited Speakers: Chris Sanders
David Haussler
Russ Doolittle
Robert Waterston

Computational methods in molecular genetics, structural
biology, and genome research. There is an emphasis on
machine learning and artificial intelligence applications
considered broadly. Submissions from the biological sciences
with demonstrations on and analysis of experimental data
are particularly encouraged.

Registration :

Deadline for Abstracts: April 1, 1996

Email for Requests and Registration: states@ibc.wustl.edu

Posted by: David J. States Host: ibc.wustl.edu date: January 15, 96 5:06:23
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp