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HUGOs Human Genome Meeting

HUGO Europe , Heidelberg, Germany
22-24 March 1996

Invited Speakers:


The Human Genome Organisation, HUGO, invites all scientists actively involved in the world-wide human genome initiative to attend the HGM96 meeting in Heidelberg, Germany, from 22-24 March 1996. Through interactive workshops, poster sessions and symposia, HGM96 will offer a variety of lively opportunities to consider the very latest scientific information as well as some of the ethical, legal, social and commercial issues surrounding genome science. HGM96 will provide state-of-the art accounts of the human genome map and the various mapping initiatives supporting its development; discussions of the most recent advances in mapping and sequencing technologies; detailed information on the different chromosomes; database demonstrations; posters on all aspects of genome work; a commercial exhibition - and much more. Nobody working on the human genome can afford to miss HGM96 and a warm welcome is extended to genome scientists from all over the world, particularly younger scientists.

Symposia on Chromosome Maps: Updates and Integration; Comprehensive approaches to the Mapping and Functional Analysis of Human Genes; Comparative Genomics: Genome Mapping in Model Organisms; Common Disease Analysis; Genome Sequencing; Molecular Variation and Human Evolution; Bioinformatics; Cancer Genetics; Genome Organisation and Stability.

Workshops on Mutation Mechanisms; Informatics: Past experience and a Look Towards the Future; Sequencing Techniques and Automation; Ethical, Legal, Social and Political Implications of the Human Genome Project; Integrating Genome Structure and Function; Techniques and Applications of Physical Mapping; Gene Identification and Analysis; Mutation Detection; Developmental Genetics.

Registration :

Final Announcement, Registration forms and further details available from the HGM96 Secretariat or any HUGO office.

Full registration fee (up to 1st February 1996): #295
Reduced registration fee for HUGO members: #245

HGM96 Secretariat: HUGO Europe, One Park Square West,
London NW1 4LJ, UK
Tel: [44] (171) 935 8085
Fax: [44] (171) 935 8341

Deadline for Abstracts: 15th December 1995

Email for Requests and Registration:

Posted by: evanse@ICRF.ICNET.UK Host: info2.uni-rostock.de date: December 07, 95 19:25:48
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp