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Advances in Genetic Association Studies

University of California San Francisco , San Francisco, California
June 2-6 1997

Invited Speakers: Lodewijk Sandkuijl, Cornelia van Duijn

The Genetics Program at UCSF will be sponsoring a genetic analysis class
to be held at the University of California, San Francisco the week of June
2-6 1997. The course is titled "Advances in Genetic Association Studies"
and will be administered by Nelson Freimer, M.D. and taught by Lodewijk
Sandkuijl, M.D., Cornelia van Duijn, Ph.D. and Susan Service M.A. The
focus of the course will be on population-level approaches to genetic
analysis of human diseases. Class size is limited to 30 individuals. If
you are interested in application materials please email Susan Service

Registration :
Registration information and more information about the class will be mailed upon request.

Deadline for Abstracts: March 1, 1997

Email for Requests and Registration: service@ngl.ucsf.edu

Posted by: Susan Service Host: lppi-ngl-12.ucsf.EDU date: January 29, 97 21:12:19
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp