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AIDS, Cancer and Related Problems

Biomedical Center for AIDS Research , St.Petersburg
May 21-24

We invite you to participate in the 4th International conference "AIDS, Cancer and Related Problems", which will be held in St.Petersburg, Russia, in the period of May 21 - May 24, 1996.

Russia is one of the few major countries the population of which is not yet significantly infected with HIV. In this country the possibility still exists to implement scientific expertise and appropriate prevention measures in order to reduce the spread of epidemic.

Your participation in exchange of ideas and experiences will help to make an important step in this direction.

General Information

The conference will take place at the State Education Center of St.Petersburg. It will cover a broad spectrum of problems of HIV/AIDS, cancer and related problems, from molecular biology to epidemiology and social aspects. People from major CIS countries will discuss peculiarities of HIV/AIDS epidemics in Russia and CIS.

The following sessions are planned:

Molecular and Cellular Biology of HIV Infection
Pathogenesis of HIV Infection
Cytokines in AIDS, Malignancy and Other Diseases
Models of HIV Infection
Molecular and Fundamental Oncology
Theoretical Problems of HIV/AIDS and Cancer
Programmed Cell Death in AIDS and Cancer
Epidemiology and Clinical Problems of HIV/AIDS
Laboratory Diagnostics of HIV and Opportunistic Infections
HIV and Tumor Inhibitors
Social Aspects of HIV Infection and AIDS
HIV/AIDS Vaccine
Problems of Narcology as related to HIV/AIDS

Organizing Committee:

Dr. A.P.Kozlov, Association against HIV/AIDS, St.Petersburg (Chairman);
Dr. E.V.Karamov, Ivanovsky Institute of Virology, Moscow (Co-Chairman);
Prof. Dr. K.P.Hanson, Petrov Research Institute of Oncology, St.Petersburg;
Dr. E.M.Sventitsky, Research Institute of Pure Biochemicals, St.Petersburg;
Mrs. O.S.Kozlova, Association against HIV/AIDS, St.Petersburg (Secretary)
Dr.A.G.Malykh, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda

Registration :
Deadline for Registration: March 1, 1996

Deadline for Abstracts: March 1, 1996

Email for Requests and Registration: hivaids@mod.hpb.spb.ru

Posted by: Andrei Malykh Host: date: November 09, 95 9:58:47
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