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Fermentation Microbiology Workshop

American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) , University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA
June 3-5, 1998

Invited Speakers: Faculty: William Bentley, Ph.D., Director, Bioprocess Scale-up Facility, University of Maryland College Park (Workshop Co-Director); Biswarup Mukhopadhyay, Ph.D., University of Illinois (Workshop Co-Director); Gregory Payne, Ph.D., Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, University of Maryland Baltimore County; Govind Rao, Ph.D., Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, University of Maryland Baltimore County; Terry Chase, Manager Bioprocess Scale-up Facility, University of Maryland College Park.

A three-day course designed to provide you with hands-on experience and instruction with various fermentation systems. The program will acquaint you with the techniques, methodologies, principles and applications of aerobic bacterial and fungal fermentation and anaerobic bacterial fermentation.

The workshop provides an opportunity for participants to learn the principles of bacterial and fungal fermentation scale-up at the bench, as well as recent advances and up-to-date applications of this methodology.

Lecture topics include an overview of fermentation, medium components and cell physiology, stoichiometry and kinetics,
data analysis, oxygen consumption and transfer, computer-assisted control and monitoring, quality control and assurance,process scaleup, safety, and inoculation and sampling.

Laboratory sessions include assembly and disassembly of benchtop fermentors (2-5 liter) from four different vendors,
sterilization procedures, preparation of inoculum and inoculation, process sampling, measurement of optical density and glucose levels, process control, and harvesting techniques.

This year the workshop has been streamlined into a three-day format. The workshop laboratory will tale place in a newly-renovated learning facility located within the University of Maryland Bioprocess Scaleup Facility (BSF) on the College Park campus. The BSF houses bioprocessing equipment for process development and optimization ranging from 1 L to 350 L. All workshop participants will examine and test large scale fermentation equipment while they perform their own experiments on benchtop units provided by four vendors. The three-day format is fast-paced but plenty of time has
been allocated for discussions with the workshop faculty.

Registration :
Limited to 20 participants
Fee: $895.00
2.1 CEUs

Deadline for Abstracts: N/A

Email for Requests and Registration: workshops@atcc.org

Posted by: Ken Carter Host: microbe.atcc.org date: May 15, 98 13:16:03
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp