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Molecular genetics for Epidemiologists

Dipartimento di Scienze Sanitarie Applicate e Psicocomportamentali , Via Bassi 21, Italy
20-24 April 1998

Invited Speakers: Prof. Guglielmina Nadia Ranzani, Associate professor in Human Genetics at the Department of Genetics and Microbiology, University of Pavia, Italy. She is a molecular genetist whose major interest is in genetic susceptibility to cancer and in somatic genetic lesions leading to cancer development.

Structure, organization and transmission of the genetic material - Chromosomal and gene mutations - Physical and genetic mapping - Tools and strategies for gene identification in inherited diseases - Molecular basis of inherited diseases - Molecular basis of cancer development.

Registration :
The course will be limited to 20 participants. The deadline for receipt of applications will be 20 March 1998

Deadline for Abstracts: 20 March 1998

Email for Requests and Registration: gcarla@nick.unipv.it

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