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Advanced Workshop in Breast Cancer Management

The European School of Oncology, The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre, The European Society of Mastology, The Breast Centre of Kwong Wah Hospital (Hong Kong) , Hong Kong
11/13/98 - 11/14/98

Invited Speakers: M Aapro, Clinique de Genolier, Switzerland
PI Borgen, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre, USA
P Boyle, European Institute of Oncology, Italy
S Ciatto, Centro Studio e Prevenzione Oncologica, Italy
A Costa, European Institute of Oncology, Italy
R Holland, Breast Diagnostic Training Centre, The Netherlands
B McCormic, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre, USA
L Norton, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre, USA
JY Petit, European Institute of Oncology, Italy
V Sacchini, European Institute of Oncology, Italy
U Veronesi, European Institute of Oncology, Italy
and Hong Kong Speakers

Mammography screening and role of MRI
Use and misuse of prognostic factors
Breast cancer pathology
Breast conservation treatment
Management of regional lymph nodes: need and new technologies
Risk factors and management of recurrences
Role of plastic surgery: how to improve cosmetic outcome
Changing role of radiotherapy
Role of chemotherapy: when and what
Quality of life issues in breast cancer management

Registration :
Please write to:

Congress Secretariat
The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong
4/F Duke of Windsor Social Service Building
15 Hennessy Road
Hong Kong

Early-bird registration deadline 31 May 1998

Deadline for Abstracts: no abstracts accepted

Email for Requests and Registration: sigfmshk@netvigator.com

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