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Introductory course in genetic linkage analysis

St Bartholomew's and the Royal London School of Medicine and Dentistry , St Bartholomew's Hospital, London

The course provides participants with an introduction to the theoretical basis of genetic linkage analysis and the opportunity to work through the analysis of example data sets, gaining experience of the standard programs used to carry out linkage analysis and methods of enhancing the efficiency and robustness of data management. It is suitable for doctors and molecular biologists wishing to gain a basic understanding of these topics.

Course trainers
Dave Curtis is a consultant and honorary senior lecturer in the Department of Psychological Medicine at St Bartholomew's and Royal London School of Medicine and Dentistry. Pak Sham is a senior lecturer in the Departments of Biostatistics and Computing and Psychological Medicine at the Institute of Psychiatry. Together and separately they have considerable experience of supervising the analysis of many different diseases, and they have developed a variety of innovative methods of analysis, including the programs ERPA, CLUMP, ETDT and MFLINK.

The course will take place in the computer teaching laboratory of the Robin Brook Centre in St Bartholomew's Hospital, in the heart of the City of London. Numbers will be strictly limited to 16 participants, ensuring that no more than two people will share each PC. Course notes are provided as hard copy and can also be browsed on screen, and exercises can be demonstrated using a screen projector.

The practical exercises cover the following topics: Carrying out two-point analysis using MLINK; use of LINKAGE utility programs; use of TABLE, QDB and DOLINK to manage data and analyses; performing multipoint analysis with LINKMAP and VITESSE; lod score analysis of a non-Mendelian disease and use of liability classes.

Theoretical seminars cover the following topics: Overview of approaches to gene-mapping; biological basis of linkage and explanation of associated statistics; two-point and multipoint analysis; use of parametric and non-parametric methods for analysis of non-Mendelian disorders; methods based on detection of association and linkage disequilibrium.

Registration :
Course fee of £240, including tuition, notes and lunch, is payable to Queen Mary & Westfield College (Psychiatry) and should be sent to Ann Tyrrell, Academic Dept Psychological Medicine, Alexandra Wing, Turner Street, London E1 2AD. Please also include a brief note about your previous experience and current interests. Requests for further information can be made to dcurtis@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk or p.sham@iop.bpmf.ac.uk.

Deadline for Abstracts: 02/01/98

Email for Requests and Registration: dcurtis@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk

Posted by: Dave Curtis Host: dialup-port9.qmw.ac.uk date: December 02, 97 15:02:17
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