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The title: Human Genome Analysis: Genetic Analysis of Multifactorial Diseases

The Wellcome Trust Genome Campus , Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1RQ, UK
25th - 31st July, 1998

Invited Speakers: MARTIN FARRALL (Oxford), SIMON HEATH (Rockefeller), NORMAN KAPLAN (NIEHS), JURG OTT (Rockefeller)

For each of the following areas, we will discuss issues of power to detect linkage, optimal study design, use of software, and proper statistical analyses:

1. Qualitative traits: sib-pair methods
2. Qualitative traits: affected-relative methods
3. Quantitative traits: sib-pair methods
4. Quantitative traits: regressive models
5. Markov chain Monte Carlo approaches
6. Linkage disequilibrium: testing for association

Registration :
Not applicable

Deadline for Abstracts: Application deadline April 3rd, 1998; please refer to http://www.umds.ac.uk/wlmg for application details

Email for Requests and Registration: wss@umds.ac.uk

Posted by: Dr Pelin Faik, Course Co-ordinator Host: bchem-30.umds.ac.uk date: February 13, 98 11:37:24
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp