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EMBO Workshop: Trinucleotide expansion diseases in the context of micro- and minisatellite evolution

Medical Research Council Clinical Sciences Centre , Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK
1-3 April 1998

Invited Speakers: Bill Amos, Ranjan Deka, Philippe Djian, Gabriel Dover, Evan Eichler, Jörg Epplen, David Goldstein, Dmitri Gordenin, Howard Green, John Hancock, Rosalind Harding, Rus Hoelzel, Alec Jeffreys, Keith Johnson, James Macpherson, Hanah Margalit, Darren Monckton, Richard Moxon, Miroslav Radman, David Rubinsztein, Diethard Tautz

To be announced

Registration :
100 pounds not including accommodation
Accommodation 297 (own room) or 149 pounds (share)

Deadline for Abstracts: 2 February

Email for Requests and Registration: jhancock@rpms.ac.uk

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