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First Italian German Biotech Forum: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

DECHEMA e.V. , Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
October 05-06, 1997

Invited Speakers: Prof. Dr. L. Alberghina, University of Milan
Prof. Dr. M. Bolognesi, University of Genova
Prof. Dr. A. De Flora, University of Genova
Prof. Dr. V. Erdmann, FU Berlin
Dr. M. Famulok, University of Munich,
Prof. Dr. W. Hillen, University of Erlangen,
Dr. R. Rappuoli, Biocine, Siena
Dr. G. Superti-Furga, EMBL, Heidelberg
Dr. B. Cinquantini, European Patent Office, Munich

This workshop will be the first meeting bringing together scientists from biotech companies in the field of pharmaceutical biotechnology in Italy and Germany. The aim of the Forum will be to initiate and support cooperation between participating companies through poster discussions on technology, marketing, commercial opportunities and results of research.

Eight invited scientific lectures will be presented to identify recent outstanding results from research institutes in both countries. In addition information will be given on patenting and EU funding programmes.

A book of poster abstracts will be sent out well in advance of the meeting to ensure that participants can adequately prepare for the meeting.

Registration :
Dr. Volker Rosenbaum
Renate Strauss
Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25
D-60486 Frankfurt/Main
tel: ++49/69/7564-262/249
fax: ++49/69/7564-176

Deadline for Abstracts: August 31, 1997

Email for Requests and Registration: Rosenbaum@.dechema.de

Posted by: Dr. V. Rosenbaum Host: actinium.dechema.de date: June 30, 97 16:22:57
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp