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Third Annual Johns Hopkins Hepato-biliary Update

Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions , Arlington, Virginia USA
September 5-7, 1997

Invited Speakers: COURSE DIRECTORSPaul J. Thuluvath, M.D., M.R.C.P.Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of GastroenterologyMedical Director, Liver TransplantationAndrew S. Klein, M.D.Associate Professor of SurgeryChief, Division of TransplantationFrank A. Anania, M.D.Assistant Professor of Medicine Division of GastroenterologyKeith D. Lillemoe, M.D.Professor of SurgeryPeter C. Belitsos, M.D.Assistant Professor of Medicine Division of GastroenterologyWarren R. Maley, M.D.Assistant Professor of SurgeryDavid A. Bluemke, M.D., Ph.D.Assistant Professor of RadiologyEsteban Mezey, M.D.Professor of MedicineDivision of GastroenterologyKenneth D. Chavin, M.D., Ph.D.Instructor in MedicineDivision of General SurgeryRudrajit M. Rai, M.D.Instructor in MedicineDivision of GastroenterologyAnna Mae E. Diehl, M.D.Associate Professor of Medicine Division of GastroenterologyAnthony Venbrux, M.D.Associate Professor of RadiologyAssociate Director, Cardiovascular Diagnostic LaboratoryAnthony N. Kalloo, M.D.Associate Professor of Medicine Division of GastroenterologyDirector, Gastrointestinal EndoscopyGUEST FACULTYNorman Gitlin, M.D.Professor of MedicineDivision of Digestive DiseasesChief, HepatologyEmory UniversitySchool of MedicineAtlanta, GeorgiaLeonard B. Seeff, M.D.Professor of MedicineGeorgetown UniversityChief, Gastroenterology and HepatologyVA HospitalWashington, DCJorge L. Rakela, M.D.Professor of MedicineChief, Gastroenterology and HepatologyUniversity of Pittsburgh Medical CenterPittsburgh, Pennsylvania

This course is designed for practitioners who are interested in the management of hepatic and biliary diseases. The course will focus on the treatment of various disorders with an emphasis on recent developments. Participants are encouraged to bring in their own difficult cases for discussion. Time will be reserved for questions from the audience.Objectives•Update knowledge regarding the recent developments in management of biliary tract disease.•Become familiar with current methods for a wide spectrum of diagnosis and treatment of hepatic diseases and the complications of cirrhosis.•Help participants understand the current status of liver transplantation and learn about the management of patients after the transplantation.

Registration :
Physicians............................$350Residents*/Fellows*/Nurses.....................$175(*with letter from chairperson) Please note: On-site registrations will be assessed a $15.00 surcharge.The registration fee, which is payable in advance, includes instructional materials, continental breakfasts, refreshment breaks and reception. Foreign payments must be made on a U.S. World Bank Money Order, VISA, or MasterCard. Enrollment confirmation will be sent to each registrant.Cancellation policy: An administrative fee of $35 will be retained on all refunds. Refunds are not possible unless notice of cancellation is received one business day prior to the first day of the course. Refunds will be processed upon receipt of a cancellation letter. The Johns Hopkins University reserves the right to cancel this course at any time. In this event, the full registration fee will be returned to the registrant.

Deadline for Abstracts: na

Email for Requests and Registration: cmenet@som.adm.jhu.edu

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