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Chromatin and Epigenetic Regulation

EMBO , EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
4.-7. October 1997

Invited Speakers:

D. Aliss (New York) S. Henikoff (Seattle)
R. Allshire (Edinburgh) B. Horsthemke (Essen)
D. Barlow (Vienna) R. Jaenisch (Cambridge, USA)
P. Becker (Heidelberg) T. Jenuwein (Vienna)
W. Bender (Boston) F. Karch (Geneva)
A. Bird (Edinburgh) A. Klar (Frederick)
J. Broach (Princeton) M. Matzke (Salzburg)
N. Brockdorf (London) B. Meyer (Berkeley)
E. Canaani (Rehovot) L. Pillus (Boulder)
V. Chandler (Eugene) V. Pirrotta (Geneva)
T. Cremer (München) G. Reuter (Halle)
D. Duboule (Geneva) S. Roth (Houston)
J. Eissenberg (St. Louis) J. Sedat (San Francisco)
S. Elgin (St. Louis) D. Shore (Geneve)
L. Guarente (Cambridge, USA) P. Spierer (Geneve)
F. Grosveld (Rotterdam) A. Surani (Cambridge, UK)
M. Grunstein (Los Angeles) B. Turner (Edgbaston)
P. Harte (Cleveland) M. van Lohuizen (Amsterdam)



DNA and histone modifications,
Dosage compensation and imprinting,
Telomeric chromatin,
Position effect variegation,
Polycomb group/trithorax action,
Nuclear topology.

Registration :

Direct enquiries to:

Tiziana Novarini
by e-mail to novarini@embl-heidelberg.de
or at EMBL:
Meetings and Courses,
Meyerhofstraße 1,
D-69117 Heidelberg,
(tel +49-6221-387-430, fax +49-6221-387-400).

Deadline for Abstracts: May 16. 1997

Email for Requests and Registration: novarini@embl-heidelberg.de

Posted by: R. Aasland (aasland@bio.uib.no) Host: mac5.mbl.uib.no date: April 27, 97 17:07:13
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp