Invited Speakers: Lodewijk Sandkuijl
Michael Hills
Guglielmina Ranzani
Guido Barbujani
Franco Merletti
Laura Zonta
Douglas Easton
The Master in Genetic Epidemiology will give a theoretical
and practical training of:
· design of segregation, association and linkage studies;
power of the study
· statistical analysis of genetic epidemiological studies
· organization of genetic epidemiological studies
· evaluation of the results from genetic epidemiological
Registration :
Selection of Applicants
The Master is for epidemiologists and geneticists interested
in acquiring know-how in the design, organization and
statistical analysis of genetic epidemiological studies.
Candidates are selected from graduates of schools of
medicine, dentistry or veterinary medicine and mathematics,
as well as from graduates of disciplines related to
clinical medicine and public health, such as health sciences,
nutrition, biology, pharmacy, social sciences.
Good mastery of the English language is a prerequisite
for entering the programmes.
Structure of the Master
The duration of the Master programme is two years and
taught lec-tures are subdivided into 5 full time modules
of one week each. Two modules will be in the period
November-December and three in the period January-May.
The modules last from 9 a.m. on Monday to 17 p.m.
on Friday. The modules consist of both theoretical
lectures and practical sessions on the computer.
Frequency of modules and evaluation
It is compulsory for candidates to attend all modules.
All modules of the first year have to be completed by
an examination. Each of the examination results must be
satisfactory. Exemption from modules can be obtained by
the candidates if they apply for it before beginning
the Master programme. At the end of the second year all
candidates are required to give a formal presentation
of a research work. The program will lead to a Master
of Science Diploma in Genetic Epidemiology of Pavia
Deadline for Abstracts: 5 September 1997
Email for Requests and Registration: